Alito Nomination Goes to Full Senate

As expected, the Judiciary Committee sent Samuel Alito’s nomination to the full Senate on a party-line vote.

The Judiciary Committee favorably recommended Samuel Alito’s Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate on a party-line vote Tuesday, ensuring prospects the conservative jurist will join the high court bench. All 10 Republicans voted for Alito, while all eight Democrats voted against him. The partisan vote was almost preordained, with 15 of the 18 senators announcing their votes even before the committee’s session began.

The full Senate expects to take a final vote on Alito’s nomination before the end of the week. That vote is also expected to follow along party lines, with only one Democrat — Ben Nelson of Nebraska — coming out so far in support of Alito. Republicans hold the balance of power in the Senate 55-44, with one independent.

Watching the World’s Greatest Deliberative BodyTM at work sure is fascinating.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Matt says:

    “World’s Greatest Deliberative Body”

    Amazing how many falsehoods can be crammed into one little phrase.

  2. King-o says:

    Amazing how many falsehoods can be crammed into one little phrase.

    Cut the anti-American crap, and go back to France, buddy. At least we don’t have a drunken National Assembly full of wine swilling nitwits like you and your Euro-trash bretheren.

  3. McGehee says:

    Cut the anti-American crap, and go back to France, buddy.

    Amazing how much abject stupidity can be crammed into a single comment.

  4. Herb says:

    While watching “The worlds greatest deliberative body today, I could not help nut admire how the Democrats sitting on the “Worlds Greatest deliberative body” made damn fools of themselves with their partisan political trash, demonstrate to the world just how asinine they are.

  5. floyd says:

    “wine swilling nitwits” ainsi M. ted kennedy est francais maintenant? oui? non?

  6. Matt says:

    Wow, if insulting the gasbags that make up our Senate is un-American, I am in deep trouble.