Beltway Traffic Jam
The daily linkfest:
- Steven Taylor disagrees with Newt Gingrich on tenure.
- Stephen Green shares his Veal Piccata recipe.
- Kate McMillan says to set your TiVos for C-SPAN tomorrow morning.
- Ron Bailey explains why old men deserve free Viagra.
- ibejo has a new photo blog.
- Dean Esmay weighs in on the “moderate Islamist” debate.
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1st time on your site. You made me realize something though…Isn’t it amazing that we have so much talent all over the Koufaxed blogosphere and no one is either picking up a hefty Williams/Gallagher/Coulter under the table paycheck or takes(or gives) one for the PINK team? Something to think about. While talking points are important, I think truth is more important.
How is it we let all these neanderthals get away with the Unpatriotic” garbage? have you seen the Bulldog aka Gannon’s reemerging message on his website? Someone get the hooker a dictionary.