OxBlog is holding what is almost certainly a unique one: the worst political philosophy / political theory pick-up lines:
Groundrules: (1) The philosopher/theorist referred to must be at least somewhat well-known. (2) Any use of the phrase “original position” will result in immediate disqualification. (3) Extra points will be awarded for good uses of the phrase “colonization of the lifeworld.” (4) The judging panel consists of Waldorf (my stuffed chimpanzee) and myself. Ties will be broken by my stuffed river otter. Decisions of the judges are final. (5) If you don’t want your name connected with your submission, request anonymity in your email.
Hmm. Kieran Healy has his submission at his site, as does Kevin Drum.
My entry: “How about you and me ditch this crazy System and begin the colonization of the lifeworld?”
Since Josh lacks a comments section, feel free to interact amongst yourselves in mine and I’ll forward the lot.
It needs a touch of Marxism. How about “Why don’t you come back to my place so you can check out the revolution of my proletariat”?
I don’t think I can submit that with a straight face or a clear conscience.
I sent in: Ooh baby, you just made my Bertrand rustle.
One of my guy friends, Mike, claimed to have used, “Hey, Baby–why don’t you seize my means of production?”
I should probably note, however, that he didn’t claim any successes from this rather … brisk approach.