Dean is offering to set you up on your own MT blog at cost:

If you’re currently on Blogspot, I will, free of charge, set you up with a Movable Type based blog. You will need $15 to register a domain, and $5/month. That’s it. Nothing more. $15 up front and $5 per month. That gets you more speed, more reliability, much more powerful blogging software, and much more flexibility and freedom. As well as your own personal domain and set of email addresses.

This is a great deal. Seriously, if you can spare $5 a month for the server space, you really should do this.

(Hat tip: WizBang!)

FILED UNDER: Blogosphere, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. joy says:

    I hate to rain on his parade, but the person who can’t install MT themselves is going to up a creek when they can’t get help for it. Unless Dean is going to do that too. Hell, I installed it on my own server and I needed help.

    Part of the reason that typepad was created was to ensure a smooth experience (yes, I know it isn’t up yet). It isn’t just getting it up, it’s the configuring and the updates too.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Could be true, especially the templates and such. Although operation itself is pretty painless.

    With typepad, aren’t you back to a blogspot-like existence? Using MT’s servers instead of Pyra’s?

  3. joy says:

    Blogspot like in the sense you are on company servers and such. From the Typepad specs I’ve seen, there will be features like tech support, site stats, automatic updates, etc. And in a way, it’s almost sad that Six Apart isn’t ready to ramp up yet, since there is this groundswell of support for MT.

    To be honest with you, I have no idea why blog*spot has such problems. It isn’t the hosting as much as it appears to be the back end programming with the lost archives and permalinks that fail to work.

    But just to reiterate, almost all blogs share hosting on a web server with other web sites, blogs or not. For all except the big blogs, bandwidth shouldn’t be much of an issue either. A more precise definition of hosting is basically renting space on a computer that is always connected to the Internet (I didn’t say just Web on purpose) which operates Web serving software.