Boris Johnson UK’s New Foreign Secretary?!
In her first official act as prime minister, Teresa May has appointed known nutjob Boris Johnson to run the UK’s foreign policy.
Let’s just say I was not expecting that.
In her first official act as prime minister, Teresa May has appointed known nutjob Boris Johnson to run the UK’s foreign policy.
Let’s just say I was not expecting that.
Boris certainly has the temperament, but does he have the GALL to punch a donkey?
Wasn’t expecting it, but I kind of like it. Puts him in the hot seat for negotiating the Brexit mess, and means he can’t just dodge responsibility for it.
Darn. As he’s a natural born US citizen, I was hoping Johnson would be Trump’s veep pick.
There’s many interesting facts about Boris Johnson. He was actually born in Manhattan, New York and not the UK, nor is really of British ancestry, as he is 1/8 Turkish and 1/8 Ashkenazi Jewish among other things. He’s certainly a colorful and unique character to say the least.
Wow. I never pretended to be an expert on British politics, but now I can absolutely say that what little I knew is wrong. Wouldn’t FS expected to be knowledgeable (real knowledge, not Republican knowledge) about, I don’t know, foreign countries? And isn’t Boris a known “Britain firster”? Wasn’t May supposed to be sensible? So what gives here?
@MarkedMan: The only sense i can make of it is that 1) considering that she was a “remain” who has decided to continue with Brexit while 2) the rest of the country seems to be hoping that there will be a reconsideration of the vote, she wants to lay the smack on the country for some reason. I didn’t know that she was a “you made your bed, now you’ll have to lie in it” Puritan type, but apparently she is.
This could be quite clever politics by may.
There is a cabinet minister for brexit,David davis, so Johnson won’t have anything to do with that, trade deals with non eu countries will be handled by the trade ministry,security issues will either be defence or the home office. And top level dealings with other countries will be done by no the FO job will be quite low key.
I suspect Boris will be spending lots of times on meaningless photo opportunities whilst may waits for him to make some idiotic remark at which point he can be cut loose but in the meantime keeps the hardline brexiters happy.
@Kenny: Is there maybe a chance that this had been worked out in advance? Nobody seemed to expect him to drop out of consideration for the PM spot, which happened quickly. Was he perhaps offered this job at that point, helping to clear the field for May?
I think I’m gonna like this guy…
@Pete S:
Couldo be. And that would explain why gove suddenly turned on Johnson if he’d found out about the deal and realised he was being cut out…..
@Pete S:
I’m not sure that May was a candidate yet when Boris dropped out. I thought she declared to oppose Gove, not Boris.
Best analysis/explanation/joke I’ve seen on twitter about this: May scribbled F’ Off next to Boris’s name on her list of people to call and an over-eager aide ran with it…
@Jenos Idanian: You think you’re going to like “the Buffoon of London.” Color me unsurprised.
It’s happened, it’s official now.
Britain has gone Red State – it’s adopted a Republican style of governance.
I suppose Boris might serve to give credibility to his prime minister against the inevitable criticism she is undermining the Brexit….an “only Nixon could go to China” kinda deal…IF this marriage is a happy one…
I be guessin’…