Caption Contest Winners
The New Chevy Dolt from Government Motors Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The New Chevy Dolt from Government Motors Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
First: GaltsGirl – No, No.. no time for a presser. Michelle is waiting back at the clubhouse!
Second: Mr. Prosser – You press guys are so ungrateful, would you rather be here or up watching a grisly mama shoot a moose?
Third: charles austin – “Hey everybody, we’re all going to get f*&%ed!”
JazzShaw – “Ha! Let’s see YOU schmucks get a tee time here on one day’s notice!”
John425 – Obama: “We’re seeing the new TSA body scans tonite! Bring some popcorn and join us!
Maggie Mama – Sorry, guys, no press allowed at the 19th hole.
Robert W. Armijo – “Hey, Obama! Lucy just called. She wants her shoes back!”
G.A.Phillips – Nice driving skills…….
John Burgess – See ya, Suckas!
I didn’t know that Kenya had a ProAm.
“No shovel ready projects, but there’s plenty of rake ready projects here.”
I’m still looking for Cheney’s undisclosed bunker location.
I wasn’t bowing, I was just practicing keeping my head down.
The Monday Contest is keeping things on ice.
Nice legs, lol……………..