Caption Contest

Time for Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM


(AFP/Jewel Samad)

Winners will be announced Monday PM

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. elliot says:

    Once again, Stan loses the draw and get to be the hind quarters.

  2. elliot says:

    Breaking News: Reporter suddenly slips on horse doo. Now, just where did that come from?

  3. Bithead says:

    No animals were harmed in the filming of this picture. In fact, they rather enjoyed it.

  4. Hodink says:

    “Senator Craig? Senator Craig? Is that the horse you rode in on?”

  5. Michael says:

    Alex Knapp:

    Many of the stories focus on his increased support from social conservatives and his recent standings in the Iowa and New Hampshire polls and have started calling him a “dark horse” for the Republican nomination.

    You know, this is the first time I’ve seen a picture of Huckabee……not what I was expecting.

  6. John Burgess says:

    George Soros (in helmet) injects a little ‘Go Juice’ into the Democratic race for the Presidential Nomination.

  7. Michael says:

    George Soros (in helmet) injects a little ‘Go Juice’ into the Democratic race for the Presidential Nomination.

    Yes, it was all George Soros….oh, and tens of thousands of his friends.

    Seriously though, isn’t it time for a new Bogey Man? The Soros lines are getting worn out. Heck, even the Michael Moore lines are getting worn out.

  8. Michael says:

    Yes, it was all George Soros….oh, and tens of thousands of his friends.

    Seriously though, isn’t it time for a new Bogey Man? The Soros lines are getting worn out. Heck, even the Michael Moore lines are getting worn out.

    I apologize, I thought this was on the NRCC/DCCC fundraising thread, I’ll read the page title before posting from now on, I promise.

  9. whippoorwill says:

    Never be a horses ass.

  10. yetanotherjohn says:

    Here we see the pantomime horse in a life and death struggle with a protester.

    Now do you understand why I’m against gay marriages. It’s a slippery slope with no stopping point.

    Menage a trois in San Francisco

    The democrats have declared war on the war and promise to ride their horse to defeat.

    So you are going to show the world how ridiculus Bush is by doing what?

    Why am I wearing a face shield? Will my mother always warned me about horsing around with my friends until someone put an eye out.

    Let me guess what part of Australia they are from … Queensland.

    … and then Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad and myself will leap out of the horse, taking them by surprise.

    Let’s see. Menage a tois. Check. Bestiality. Check. Exhibitionism. Check. Yup, you hit the trifecta.

  11. Roger says:

    1. “Yippee-ki-yay, m…”

    2. See, this is what happens when a member of PETA gets put in charge of the mounted patrol.

    3. “I wish I knew how to quit you!”

    4. “Look, I agreed to be the back end of this horse outfit but dang, does he need to keep thinking he has spurs. I’m filing a workman’s comp claim!”

    5. Somehow, the arrival of the calvary didn’t seem so reassuring.

  12. G.A.Phillips says:

    Another liberal being tackled and arrested at a protest for acting like a jackass.

  13. McGehee says:

    The Democrats announce their plan for ensuring a “stable” government in Iraq.

  14. floyd says:

    The pantomime horse apparently still had one friend left from his gig with the village people!

  15. floyd says:

    no No NO!!…IT’S TAIL! You pin the TAIL on the donkey!

  16. floyd says:

    When you’re done with the mascot you can have the whole party!

  17. floyd says:

    Never change horses in mid-SCREAM !

  18. floyd says:


  19. John425 says:

    Democrat forces arrive to expand the troop “surge” in Iraq.

  20. peterh says:

    Chickenhawks: won’t fight in a war of their own making, but will ride an ass of their own making…..

  21. Wyatt Earp says:

    1. Vinnie misunderstood what Francis Ford Coppola meant when he said The Godfather a “head shot.”

    2. Lady Godiva has really let herself go.

  22. mannning says:

    Donkey? What donkey? Democratic horses asses, you mean.

  23. Maniakes says:

    Budget considerations have forced the Mounties to try alternative forms of transportation for their officers.

  24. Rachel Edith says:

    Rudy becames a horse of a different color as he prepares to speak to the next group.

  25. The Lord of La Raza

  26. John425 says:

    I am disturbed by continuing reports of George Soros having sez with livestock.

  27. John425 says:

    Keith Olbermann goes undercover as horse’s ass to get the real “thrust” of things.

  28. Hermoine says:

    The low budget Civil War Reenactment was mostly just folks horsing around.