Caption Contest Winners

The That’s Not the Longest Yard Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

(AFP/Paul J. Richards)


First: charles austinNed Beatty picks his canoe partner for Deliverance II: The Rio Grande.

Second: Hermoine – “This here’s a boring border, Sir. We mostly watch American Idol, look at girlie magazines and practice our shooting for when Cheney visits.”

Third: spacemonkeyOfficer: President bush, this is Juan, he came to America to do the job Americans want you to do. Namely, seal the border.

Honorable Mention:

Gollum – I eat breakfast 300 yards from men who are trained to kill me, so don’t think for one second that you can come down here, flash the Seal of the President of the United States of America, and make me nervous.

Hodink – “You take a right at the organ pipe cactus, go back there a bit and everybody just goes on the barrel cactus.”

Donald Sensing – “Well, actually, Mr. President, they can hide real good ’cause most of ’em is only about this tall.”

DaveD- “And where you’re standing, Mr. President, is where we’ll be putting up the sign that says ‘Back Of The Line Starts Here'”.

Best Movie Quote:

Maniakes – “What we have here is a failure to communicate.”

Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel

As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said “No Trespassing.”
But on the other side it didn’t say nothing,
That side was made for you and me. — (Woody Guthrie)

I eat breakfast 300 yards from men who are trained to do my job for a tenth of what I make, so don’t think for one second that you can come down here, flash the Seal of the President of the United States of America, and make me nervous. (Inspired by Gollum)

This land ain’t your land, this land is my land
I’ve got a shotgun, and you ain’t got one
I’ll blow your head off if you don’t get off
This land is private property; — (not credited)

“Say… how many hard boiled eggs you think you can eat?”

The The Thursday contest is already giving Cynthia McKinney a body cavity search.

Another Gone Hollywood Caption Contest is in a squeeze as well

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. Woo hoo!

  2. Don says:

    It’s about time somebody got the record right on Bush and the environment.


  3. “What Happened Rodney”? “Didn’t You Get The Bottle Of Tequila I Sent You?”

  4. Rodney Dill says:

    It had a worm in it so I thought it had gone bad.

  5. “That’s The Last Tme I Buy Tequila From A Bait Shop.”

  6. Rodney Dill says:

    It did prove to show that if you drink Tequila, you won’t have worms.