Caption Contest Winners
The Dumbledork Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
(AFP/Anoek De Groot )
The Winners:
First: Alan Kellogg – Today the New York Times revealed that al Queda was using young boys to smuggle missle nosecones into the country.
Second: Scott_T – Obama’s liberal views are exposed to all when he says, “That boy needs some ‘appropriate’ sexual education.”
Third: Hodink – “Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. Hey, I’m Bored. Let’s Boil A Muggle.”
Honorable Mention:
Bithead – What type of magic, an I in? I’m in computer support!
Timmer – Mom told me this may be the best day of my life. — I think I want to kill myself.
Cowboy Blob – I’m just doing this to meet hot Wiccan chicks!
charles austin – He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Dated
Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel
“Eanie meanie, Chili Beanie, The Pundits are about to speak.”
That’s some bad hat Harry.
While he had shown some aptitude for Wizards’ Chess, Harry was uncertain why he’d been invited to the Wizards’ Darts Tournament.
“Hope he got his free bowl of soup.”
The Thursday Contest is already signaling for Secret Service support.