Caption Contest Winners
The Gun With The Schwinn Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
REUTERS/U.S. Army/Sgt. 1st Class Alex Licea
First: elliot – It definitely saves money and it allows soldiers to quietly sneak up on the enemy…It’s a schwinn-schwinn situation.
Second: Stormy Dragon – A US soldier finally locates the fabled Cycle of Violence.
Third: Eric Florack – When this baby gets up to 88 miles an hour, you’re gonna see some serious shit!
Elmo – a soldier needs a bicycle, like a fish needs a harmonica ….
DC Loser – At only $500,000 a copy, the new Urban Assault Vehicle is successfully undergoing operational tests in realistic conditions.
Cowboy Blob – On the back of his flak jacket reads in Arabic, “If you can read this, my Wingman fell off.”
Schwinning hearts and minds
I thought going to Afghanistan would be like going to Wisconsin.
After the next round of Obama military cuts, they started issuing Unicycles.
Lance Corporal Army Strong
Guess I shouldn’t have bet the Detroit Lions weren’t gonna win a game this season.
The Monday Contest is doin’ a fly-by.
Thanks for the first place schwinn – Elliot
Turd place?
Second door on the left. Pull the chain with both hands.
…and mind your wide stance…