Caption Contest Winners

The Let Slip the Dogs of Warhol Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

The Winners

First: KennyMonsieur, monsieur, my need to poop is now at threat condition red!

Second: T. Harris – Unfortunately for Philippe, the realization came much, much too late. Being a foreigner, there was no way he could have imagined the horror that awaited him: yet another round of that old Senate pasttime, “Screw the Pooch”.

Third: Jay Tea…ever since the McCain anti-torture bill passed, we’ve had to resort to other methods of interrogation. Senators, let me explain to you how we force detainees to play Naked Twister. . .”

Honorable Mention:

Lorg Skyegon – Although their effort at a Terrorist Detection System failed, the Department of Homeland Security has perfected the Gaydar system

FreakyBoy – Today, in an effort to promote better terror awareness to children, the Dept. of Homeland Security unveiled “Doodle, the Threat Alert Poodle”.

Gaijin BikerPierre the Threat Alert Poodle ultimately proved ineffective at fighting terrorism, leaving McGruff the Crime Dog stretched dangerously thin.

Best Spinner Picture Caption:

HoodlummanAs ‘left-hand yellow’ came up on the Twister spinner, everyone became uneasy that Ted Kennedy was about to injure someone.

Best Dog Picture Captions:

BitheadIf you think THAT’S weird, you should see the Fire Hydrants around here.

AND The quick brown fox had no idea what to do with this one.

Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel

Poodle Paintball becomes popular in France, PETA moves the Pet Threat level to Yellow.

The debate over Intelligent Design versus Random Chance takes an odd twist.

AP BREAKING: Korean Kolor Koded Kold Kuts

While many people have heard “Jingle Bells” barked by dogs, few have experienced the musical “Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” done in this Genre.

The Thanksgiving contest is already on its way to Disneyland.

FILED UNDER: Blogosphere, LGBTQ Issues, Terrorism, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.