[Updated] Reviewing 5 Claims About Tim Walz Military Record
I don’t think its stolen valor, but Walz has played it loose when referring to his service
I don’t think its stolen valor, but Walz has played it loose when referring to his service
A new poll indicates that at least some Democrats continue to hold Biden’s 2002 vote in favor of the Iraq War.
Seventeen years ago, America was thrust into a war that seemingly has no end.
Does the administration know what it is doing?
Once again, Congress is abdicating its Constitutional responsibilities.
President Obama’s ISIS policy has been far from perfect, but to call him a “Founder” of ISIS is to ignore both history and reality.
In a new book, former President George H.W. Bush is highly critical of two of his son’s closest advisers in the White House.
Like many Republicans, Jeb Bush continues to be willfully blind to the truth about the Iraq War.
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.
Hillary Clinton has admitted she made a mistake in supporting the Iraq War in 2002, but there are plenty of other questions she needs to answer when it comes to foreign interventions.
Marco Rubio is the latest Republican Presidential candidate to have a problem giving a coherent answer to a few simple questions about the Iraq War.
Iraq seems to becoming a political headache for yet another member of the Bush family.
Like most Republicans, Jeb Bush either fails or refuses to recognize what an utter, unjustifiable disaster his brother’s decision to invade Iraq actually was.
Rand Paul bucks Republican orthodoxy on Iraq, Libya, and negotiations with Iran.
The ground troops that United States has not sent into Iraq to fight ISIL are reportedly in Iraq fighting ISIL.
The costs of more than a decade of war are far higher than many ever thought, and we’re still paying the price for the fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush Administration while they were being fought.
A new report from the New York Times confirms the adage that, in war, the first casualty is the truth.
Massive US intervention has for now liberated Amerli, averting humanitarian disaster. Another crisis looms.
As talk begins of expanding the war against ISIS into Syria, it is becoming long past time for Congress to exercise its Constitutional function.
Does Hillary Clinton remember that she was Secretary of State for four years?
President Obama doesn’t seem to have any idea what he wants to do in Iraq.
For the second time in just over ten years, the United States is involved in military action in Iraq.
Americans disapprove of how the President is handling Iraq, but they don’t like what his critics are proposing either.
Is ISIS about to make the situation in the Levant even worse?
When it comes to Iraq, the media only seems to be giving Americans one side of the story.
The Kentucky Senator and former Vice-President are at the front of a battle that will unfold inside the GOP as we head toward 2016.
Some questions for the Republicans who would be President about the actions of the last Republican President.
Recent events in Iraq have opened up old domestic political arguments in the United States.
If President Obama does decide to use military force in Iraq, he should be required to seek Congressional approval beforehand.
Iraq is falling apart for reasons that have nothing to do with President Obama or his policies.
Most Americans now see America’s decade of war as a failure.
Former SecDef Robert Gates is among those who believes that the Iraq War unduly diverted attention from fighting the War On Terror.
A new book by former SecDef Robert Gates is making political waves in Washington power circles, but will it matter to ordinary Americans?
The Iraqis need to learn to govern themselves, and conservatives blaming President Obama for renewed violence need a history lesson.
If you’re still not convinced that we lost the war in Iraq, this should settle the argument.