Dershowitz: Zimmerman Arrest Affidavit ‘Irresponsible And Unethical’

Alan Dershowitz says the prosecutor who charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder of Trayvon Martin was “irresponsible and unethical” and politically motivated.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age.

Clinton Funds Palestinians Despite Congressional Hold

The Secretary of State is ignoring a hold by the House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman.

Korean War MIA Patrick R. Glennon Identified

The body of Corporal Patrick R. Glennon will be returned to his family for burial, 52 years after he was declared missing in action in Korea.

Marine Sergeant Booted For Anti-Obama Facebook Comments

Marine Sergeant Gary Stein will soon be free to criticize the commander-in-chief all he wants. As a civilian.

Soldier Reprimanded For Ron Paul Endorsement

A Reserve Specialist who endorsed Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy in uniform will only be reprimanded, not court martialed.

Obama’s Foreign Policy Etch-a-Sketch

For a change, President Obama and not one the Republican contenders to replace him has gotten into trouble for accidentally speaking the truth.

CIA’s Counterterror Chief a Muslim Convert

A profile of the chief of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center.

Leon Panetta looks like shit Leon Panetta looks like shit

Who Dresses Leon Panetta?

What the hell was Leon Panetta thinking when he got dressed? He’s surrounded by fit Marines in battle dress and he’s wearing a poorly fitted blue short-sleeved “dress” shirt,* pleated slacks, and perhaps the most askew gig line ever, calling attention to his pot belly.

Joe Biden: Bin Laden Raid Was “Most Audacious Plan” In 500 Years

Joe Biden got a little braggadocious last night.

The Consequences Of Attacking Iran

An attack on Iran is likely to unleash consequences that we are unprepared to deal with.

Ending the Afghan Slog

My latest for The National Interest, “Ending the Afghan Slog,” has posted.

No, It’s Not Martial Law, It’s Preparedness

No, the Obama Administration is not plotting to nationalize the economy in the name of some “national emergency.”

American Soldier Kills At Least 15 Afghan Civilians

A tragic incident in Afghanistan that’s likely to have tragic consequences.

Obama Gets 9 More Military Planes for Campaign

Another chapter in the annals of American Politicians as Royalty:

Joseph Kony, #stopkony, and Ignoring Africa

Today, the #stopkony hashtag is trending on Twitter. Here’s why.

Captain Carroll LeFon, Neptunus Lex, Killed in Crash

Carrol LeFon, better known on the Internet as Neptunus Lex, one of the original milbloggers, has been killed in a fighter jet crash.

Green Beret Dies Trying to Save Daughters From Fire

CWO2 Edward Cantrell, a decorated Special Forces veteran, died trying to save his daughters Isabella and Natalia from a house fire.

Eric Holder: Yes, We Can Kill American Citizens Without Trial

Attorney General Eric Holder offered a somewhat alarming defense of the Administration’s policy on targeted killings.

Republicans v. Obama On Iran: Fewer Differences Than You’d Think

The differences between the parties when it comes to Iran are far less substantial than the candidate’s rhetoric would suggest.

John McCain Advocates Unprovoked War Against Syria

Arizona’s senior Senator want’s to bomb Syria.

Army Raising NCO Retention Standards

Over the last decade-plus of war, the US Army has relaxed its promotion and retention standards for commissioned and non-commissioned officers. As we transition into peacetime, the pendulum is swinging the other direction.

Money, Bombs, and Jesus

A discussion in the comments thread of my “Time Running Out For GOP?” post led me to a post from four-plus years ago by frequent commenter and erstwhile blogger* Michael Reynolds titled “Money, Bombs and Jesus.”

Major Robert J. Marchanti II, RIP

The Pentagon has released the name of the US Army National Guard major murdered in an Afghan ministry this weekend.

Afghan Protests Prove, It’s Time For Us To Leave

The latest round of protests in Afghanistan prove yet again that it’s time for us to leave.

Stolen Valor Act and the Supreme Court

Why should lying about having served in combat or been awarded a medal for valor should be legally different from lying about athletic prowess in high school, the number of sexual partners you’ve had, or the size of one’s sex organs?

NATO Secretary-General: No Intervention In Syria

Yet another sign that international intervention in Syria is most likely never going to happen.

Military’s Lock-Step Promotion System

The military promotion system does not reward top performers rapidly enough.

Military Less Republican Than You Think

The popular notion that the United States military is monolithically Republican is mistaken.

And They Say The Iraq War Is Over

Sometimes there was no sugar or Splenda for coffee. On chicken wing night, wings were rationed at six per person.

A Parade For Iraq War Vets?

As they did four years, ago the New York Giants will get a parade in New York City today. Some are wondering when Iraq War vets will get theirs.

Mitt Romney’s Bizarre Take On Obama’s Afghanistan Decision

Mitt Romney’s statements about the planned early draw down in Afghanistan make no sense whatsoever.