Covering Politics in Cyberspace
I’m flying out to Los Angeles today to take part in the Knight New Media Center’s seminar “Election ’08: Covering Politics in Cyberspace” at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication. I’ll be joining Media Bloggers Association president Robert Cox and John Amato of Crooks and Liars on a panel tomorrow afternoon.
I’ll get some blogging in around the conference and there may be some guest posters in addition to the regular crew here while I’m away.
Get some In ‘n Out Burger when you’re there.
Methinks In ‘n’ Out Burger is a teenager thing or something. The wife and I went out of our way to eat there a couple months back and didn’t see what the big deal was. We found it to be sub-Wendy’s, let alone particularly good.
I suspect we’d have thought it much better as 17-year-olds, though.