Iranian Suicide Bombers

200 pledge willingness to carry out suicide attacks against Americans, Israelis (CBC)

An Iranian man, prepares his daughter by covering her face in the same style of Palestinian and Lebanese militants, during a ceremony for the first suicide commandos unit at a cemetery just outside Tehran, Iran, Thursday. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi) Some 200 masked young men and women gathered at a Tehran cemetery Thursday to pledge their willingness to carry out suicide bomb attacks against Americans in Iraq and Israelis. The ceremony was organized by the Headquarters for Commemorating Martyrs of the Global Islamic Movement, a shadowy group that has since June been seeking volunteers for attacks in Iraq and Israel. A spokesman, Ali Mohammadi, described Thursday’s group as the “first suicide commando unit,” though another official has claimed members already have carried out attacks in Israel. “Sooner or later we will bury all blasphemous occupiers of Islamic lands,” Mohammadi said.

Sunday, Iran’s deputy interior minister for security affairs told reporters the movement had no official sanction and said such groups could operate only “as long as their ideas are limited to theory.” The group, though, has the backing of some prominent hard-line Iranian politicians. The deputy minister, Ali Asghar Ahmadi, did not say if the government had tried to crack down on the military style training the group claims to offer or whether officials believed any of its volunteers had crossed into Iraq or into Israel.

Iran has had no diplomatic ties with the United States since the 1979 Islamic revolution ousted the U.S.-backed shah. But it says it has no interest in fomenting instability in Iraq and that it tries to block any infiltration into Iraq by insurgents – while pleading that its porous borders are hard to police.

Insert appropriate “religion of peace” commentary here.

FILED UNDER: Middle East, Religion, Terrorism, , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Steve says:

    What I find appalling is that it is parents who are doing this to their children. I’m completely disgusted.

  2. spd rdr says:

    A father’s love for his daughter is so….touching.

  3. Meezer says:

    If Dad thinks it’s such a great idea, why isn’t he leading by example? Most parents I know would die *for* their children, not ask them to be first in line for an ammo-belt. Truly psychotic.

  4. McGehee says:

    The only thing missing from that photo is a thought balloon over the girl’s head:

    “My father wants me dead.”

  5. Attila Girl says:

    I know everyone’s going to get mad at me, but my first thought was, “why didn’t either we or the Israelis bomb this ceremony?” After all, these people just publicly announced their intention to murder Israelis and/or Americans.