John Edwards Sex Tape

John Edwards Sex Tape A new tell-all book written by a former campaign aide alleges that John Edwards and Reille Hunter captured their illicit romance on video. Gawker’s Ravi Somaiya:

Sources have told us that, in the throes of their affair, John Edwards and Rielle Hunter made a sex tape that contains “several sex acts.” And that his aide, Andrew Young found it on an unmarked DVD.

The tape, say both our sources, is explicit and reveals that Edwards “is physically very striking, in a certain area. Everyone who sees it says ‘whoa’. She’s behind the camera at first.”

When rumors of the affair first broke Young was so loyal to Edwards that he pretended that he was the father of Hunter’s daughter Frances Quinn, now 2. But part of Young’s disillusionment with the 2004 vice presidential candidate and 2008 candidate came one day as he went through a stack of DVDs at Rielle Hunter’s house.

Ravi’s soliciting copies of the tape. I’ll pass, thanks.

Thus far, David Corn has the best line on this: “John Edwards’ mission in life: to make Tiger Woods look good.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Franklin says:

    No one’s given you props for the accompanying picture yet?
