René Auberjonois, a long time character actor best known for his roles on Benson and Star Trek: Deep Space NIne, has died at 79.
Words mean things. Unless they don’t.
Not an Easter song, exactly, but certainly evocative of some of the holiday’s major themes.
More whimsical than most of my selections but we could use that right about now.
Norway is switching from FM Radio to digital broadcasting. A similar transition in the United States seems unlikely for the time being.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the newest film in the Star Wars saga is breaking all kinds of records.
You thought Betamax died three decades ago didn’t you?
A company you probably thought had died off years ago filed for bankruptcy protection yesterday.
President Obama criticized Sony for backing down, and said that the U.S. would respond to North Korea’s cyber attack “at a place and time we choose,”
The classic “Tom and Jerry” cartoons of the 1940s and 1950s come with a “racial prejudice” warning from Amazon.
New technology doesn’t mean that the laws don’t apply.
Some thoughts on Amazon’s new smartphone: Fire
Does encouraging binge watching make sense for Netflix?
The Sacramento Bee has released this remarkable video of President Gerald Ford testifying about the assassination attempt by Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme.
Apparently, today’s youth no longer know how to have good sex on account of they’re having too much sex.
An excellent essay by Adam Sternbergh “On the Enduring Appeal of ‘Die Hard.'”
Let’s take a trip back in time to see what some conservatives thought 2012 would look like if Barack Obama were elected President.
The new Red Dawn promises to be even sillier than the first.
Two words spoken by a Romney aide have led to a ridiculous firestorm on the right, while the rest of their comments are being ignored.
A recent decision out of Massachusetts threatens to make business quite difficult for online service providers.
A year old, seconds-long, scene from a show on HBO has apparently become the latest cause for outrage.
The decision to split Netflix into two companies makes no sense. Unless you look behind the scenes.
In a truly bizarre move, Netflix is spinning off the DVD-by-mail business that built them into an international brand and going stream-only. Those wishing to keep getting movies will have to sign on to something called Qwikster.
George Lucas is once again “enhancing” his epic films for the upcoming Blu-Ray release.
Borders Books is closing, because the free market works.
Netflix will charge $7.99 for streaming video; it’s now a $2 add-on.
Video entertainment is moving in two seemingly opposite directions simultaneously.
The iconic WKRP in Cincinnati is not being syndicated or available on DVD in its original format because it’s classic rock soundtrack is hamstrung by copyright laws and music licensing fees.
Dr. Dre is arguing that police officers have no right to privacy.
The cost/benefit ratio of tablet computers seems to be a bit…. lacking.