Meet the Faggots
Family of Faggot Fans Fly the Flag (BBC)
The Doody family from Wolverhampton has been crowned The Faggot Family in a national competition, and to kick off their reign they will launch National Faggot Week.
“The great British faggot is full of flavour and a great belly warmer at this time of year.”
I abhor political correctness, but perhaps it’s time to rename this dish.
The word in the UK is ‘pooftah’ – not faggot.
Speaking of political correctness, I think we should all be less niggardly with our charitable contributions, and thereby guarantee the poor a gay Christmas this year.
“I abhor political correctness, but perhaps it’s time to rename this dish.”
Agreed. That brings us to the matter of the “Doody” family…
A “fag,” I recall, was one’s slave-boy at the public schools, someone a few years beneath you who would act as general gopher/sycophant/jester/target.
Presumably the master-servant quality mapped onto the active-passive nature of certain sexual acts commonly associated with male homosexuality to give us our term. And of course, English schools being what they were, a “fag” would sometimes perform duties which we today associate with the term.
I thought “fags” — over there — were cigarettes.
I believe McGehee is correct.
I abhor political correctness, but perhaps it’s time to rename this family.
I suppose it IS tiring …
And then we can move on to Spotted Dick.
The company that is best known for making faggots in England was founded by Herbert Brain, and so of course produced “Brain’s Faggots”. I remember a few years ago some marketing expert commenting that this name combined the two worst possible words for a meat product in one title… so they altered the name to “Mr Brain’s Faggots”
PS I often hoped I’d had a reason to make a comment on such a prestigious website … but not on this topic.
I have no problem with the inclination. I do mind the activity and I simple abhor the demand that the public approve of such immorality. What a sick, corrupted society that meticulously removes God from the public arena and replaces Him with this crap!
If you are going to make humourless and incorrect political statements at least get your spelling right!
“If you are going to make humourless and incorrect political statements at least get your spelling right!”
“Chris Black”
Speaking of humourless,you neglected to place a comma after the word, statements. I believe that a better choice for the word “right” would have been the word, “correct.”
“Those that demand perfection seldom have it!”
Geeeeez. Lighten up!
I admit defeat
(I would have written ‘touche’ but would have written the accent wrongly – or possibly incorrectly)
I admit defeat
(I would have written ‘touche’ but would have written the accent wrongly – or possibly incorrectly)
Thank for the concession. Now I can concede that I made one too, as I forgot to leave a space after the commas. Touche is a problem for me too.
I forget the exact terminology, but there is an old axiom from Usenet to the effect that he who corrects will automatically need correction, or something like that. Maybe one of your folks remembers the actual wording?