New Connecticut Ad Hits Blumenthal On Vietnam-Era Lies
Ever since the story broke almost five months ago, it’s been inevitable that Richard Blumenthal’s opponent in the General Election would bring up his repeated record of lying about his military service during the Vietnam War. Yesterday, the Linda McMahon campaign dropped the gauntlet:
McMahon has more than enough money to make sure this ad gets played repeatedly on Connecticut television, the only question is what impact it will have on the race.
So far, while McMahon has managed to close the gap somewhat, Blumenthal still leads and recent polls seem to indicate that he’s puling away:
This race has been far more competitive than many thought it was going to be, but it’s still unclear if McMahon will be able win here.
Now, maybe if she had thrown down the gauntlet instead of dropping it….
Yes, yes I stepped on my metaphors there….
Doug, the three most recent polls all have Bloomie around 12 points ahead. She’s getting desperate. A good friend of mine is a big kahuna in the Dem machine in CT. He tells me they are not in the least worried about Bloomie because this race has never been competitive unlike the governorship.
I didn’t say she was going to win, but the race has certainly become closer than many people thought it would be.
And it’s rather inevitable that she would bring this up in an ad. Any opponent would have.
“I didn’t say she was going to win, but the race has certainly become closer than many people thought it would be.”
Only if you place faith is highly suspect polls taken months before it gets down the short strokes. Blumenthal was never in any danger.