Obama Approval Improves

Gallup’s most recent approval numbers put the president’s approval and disapproval at 48% (his best for both in over a year).

Not surprisingly, other polling shows a clear positive trend on consumer confidence:

Gallup's U.S. Economic Confidence Index -- Weekly Averages in 2014

FILED UNDER: Economics and Business, US Politics, ,
Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. PogueMahone says:

    Fuel prices down.
    Economy on the rise.
    Job market getting better.

    Hello 2015!!!! 🙂

  2. anjin-san says:


    Obviously you have been duped by the MSM, and are unable to see that Obama’s America is a scorched wasteland where hope, freedom, and dreams have all been crushed. The mass arrests, the gun confiscations, the collapse of the health care system, the war on Christmas… wake up dammit!

  3. gVOR08 says:

    @PogueMahone: Plus Obamacare is working, although the supposedly liberal MSM don’t seem to want to talk about it.

    Putin and ISIS seem to also be missing from the news. I don’t know whether that’s because they’re beat back and nothing much is happening or because the media – SQUIRREL!

    We survived the dreaded Ebola.

    We’re having a nice holiday break.

    What’s to not like?

  4. michael reynolds says:

    If this trend persists it changes the math for Boehner and McConnell. It’s on thing picking fights with a guy who’s upside down by 10 or 15 points, it’s a whole nother thing picking fights with a guy whose popularity is on the upswing.

    They want a bunch of things Obama will veto. They’re going to need to find some things he can sign.

    See, this is why I like politics! The sudden reversals.

  5. Tony W says:

    I like the new assertive Obama, and it’s apparently good for his approval too. Maybe this trend will help the D’s grow a set and start calling BS more often instead of letting the Tea Party control the agenda? It’s my new year’s wish…

  6. ekaresky says:

    @anjin-san: @anjin-san: Go back into your room with the padded walls, take your meds for paranoia and delusions, and then sit quietly playing with your mental blocks.

  7. al-Ameda says:


    @anjin-san: @anjin-san: Go back into your room with the padded walls, take your meds for paranoia and delusions, and then sit quietly playing with your mental blocks.

    Evelyn Mulwray: She’s my daughter.
    Jake Gittes: I said I want the truth!
    Evelyn Mulwray: She’s my sister… [slap]
    Evelyn Mulwray: She’s my daughter… [slap]
    Evelyn Mulwray: My sister, my daughter. [More slaps]
    Jake Gittes: I said I want the truth!
    Evelyn Mulwray: She’s my sister AND my daughter!

  8. bill says:

    “it’s the economy stupid”. so wth is he doing with n korea? i thought it was a insider job at sony?!