OTB Caption Contest
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners will be announced after Monday PM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced after Monday PM
Spiderkid “…you can ban all the weapons you want…..but you’ll have to pry my spider web shooter thingy from my cold dead hands!”
The president’s staff misunderstood when he told them he wanted to participate in a webinar.
I don’t have a caption. That’s just a great pictures.
“But you don’t…have…any web shooters! You’re based….on….the….movie vers–aarrghgh!”
“Oh, I see the Secret Service was busy with hookers again…”
@Neil Hudelson:
What Neil said …
I’m sick of your inaction on the Mary Jane issue, Mr. President!
Republicans go for broke with their secret weapon!
The Secret Service never imagined that Al Qaeda would deploy a suicide spider kid.
Oh noes…..get Biden in here….this could be a bigger menace than guns….
Spiderman: “You may have foiled my friend, WomeninBindersMan, but you won’t defeat me.”
“You and Hillary knew about the attack on my uncle Ben ‘Gussy’ Parker.”
“Why hasn’t the White House addressed my petition for the EPA to deal with radioactive spiders?!?”
“What’s your excuse, Mr. President, for spending taxpayer money on this gawdawful thing right here? Is that a weird plant or a ridiculous sculpture?”
Oh no! He’s caught me in his Invisi-Web!
On Tuesday, the Secret Service became the newest opponent of stem cell research after a genetically engineered child broke into the White House, encased President Obama in a web, and left after scrawling “OMG n00b” on the Oval Office door.
Joss Whedon and the rest of the staff at Marvel Studios were nervous when the President asked to direct the next Avengers film, but were surprised at how warm and deep the movie had become.
“Blast it–I knew I missed an executive order in there…”
The web swinging was good, but the “Uncle Ben” line was harsh.
Joe and Barack try out the new “Optical Illusion Hall” of the White House.
“OK, let’s switch places now!”
President Obama reacts with understandable shock upon discovering that he does, in fact, have a son, and he looks like Spider-Man.
Years later, through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, would Spider-Boy come to know how his father really died — Predator Drone strike somewhere over Manhattan.
“Aah! I thought I told the Secret Service to sweep the White House for bugs!”
President Obama is shocked to discover the White House is bugged.
Later, the Secret Service had great difficulty determining whether the bug was leftover from the Nixon, Johnson or Kennedy administration.
Time traveling ‘Spider-Man’ makes grievous miscalculation.