OTB Caption Contest Winners
The Have A Blast Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The Have A Blast Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
First: Kevin – Last minute preparations for the Jihadi’s, radical Islamists biggest awards show of the year.
Second: John Burgess – Syrian opposition prepares the “Order of the Golden Mortar” for future presentation to President Bashar Al Assad.
Third: JKB – New on HGTV – Syria, Weapons Swap
JWH – When the “found art” movement hit Damascus, it carried dangerous consequences.
Robert W. Armijo – President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize gets a makeover.
Mu – “Here Barack, don’t say we never give you anything nice”
John425 – Photo accompanying gist of Putin’s Op-Ed column: “B.O.H.I.C.A.”
markm – Citing a string of quality issues, Hamas will be adjusting their standards to meet ISHMAEL 2001.
al-Ameda – A sneak preview of the newly designed ‘Oscar’
He who must not be named – Amir came to regret agreeing to the regime’s proposal for a golden shower of mortars.
Hal 10000 – NASA puts the final touches on their budget-trimmed moon mission.
Introducing the new Allah-ple iBomb now in 5 exciting colors
If I paint them as gold batons and dress myself as a cheerleader TSA never figures it out.
It’s a major award…..
In related news the world’s oldest suicide bomber, Sheik Kin Shwarma, died today in Kabul of what are believed to be natural causes.
“Don’t forget to add the happy face, Abdul.”
New Reality TV: Palestinian Pickers.
The Monday Contest is already shooting from the hip.
Robert W. Armijo, you wuz robbed.
Rodney, I’d like to appeal the judge’s decision on this one…
Sorry Jenos, denigrating Obama is not the sole purpose (or even a purpose) of the caption contest. It’s just by happy coincidence that its sometimes aligned with the purpose of the contest.
Grrr … I gotta break into the top again … somehow …
@rodney dill: Admit it, Rodney: you used to be an East German Olympic judge, weren’t you?
Kevin earned this one – well done man
@Jenos Idanian #13: Nicht.