Remembering 911

Today is the fourth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by the Islamist terrorist group al Qaeda.

Steven Taylor posts his recollections of the day, which closer mirror my own since we were working in the same office at the time.


  • Michele Catalano rescues her contemporaneous thougts from the memory hole.
  • Jay Tea compares and contrasts the 911 attacks and Hurricane Katrina.
  • Chris Muir, too–in cartoon form.
  • Jen posts a photo and President Bush’s remarks at the National Day of Prayer three days later.
  • Bill Quick calls for a National Day of Rage.
  • Jawa Report is having a caption contest with no winners.
  • Matt at Blackfive has a poem.
  • Stephen Green looks at the bright side of life.

If I missed you, feel free to add yours using the TrackBack feature.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Ken Taylor says:
  2. sortapundit says:

    Let’s not forget those who heroically gave their lives 4 years ago today. More here.

  3. sortapundit says:

    Bugger. there should have been a picture. Damn you and your comment box, James! Damn yoooooooo! etc, etc.

  4. sortapundit says:
  5. James Joyner says:

    Sorta: All I see in your HTML code is:

    [a href=”” rel=”nofollow”]here[/a] with carrots instead of brackets. That doesn’t give any pictures.

  6. Mr. Snitch! says:

    Have you noticed this? We have:

    Forgetting means hard-won lessons will be lost.

    This is a 5-minute video memorial. No burning buildings, no rubble, no explosions, no speeches, no screeches, no Bin Laden, no bodies. Just a remembrance of some people whose lives were cut short through no fault of their own, with poignant candid snapshots from their lives, accompanied by a musical background.

  7. jen says:

    Hey, thanks for the link and traffic.