A man made famous for discovering Iraq’s WMD program was virtually nonexistent is gone at 82.
A precision drone strike on a balcony in Kabul took out a longtime nemesis.
Some light fundraising whilst waiting for mum to die.
A former classmate is going to be one of the US military’s most senior leaders.
A possible murder plot in Colombia embedded into a problematic multi-decade narrative.
They’ve got a lot of gall blaming Biden for this mess.
For years, American troops fought a ‘forever war’ to delay the inevitable. It’s now coming.
Yes, it’s complicated, but it is also time to stop relying on cliches.
Four administrations and two decades later, it’s about to be over.
Historical precedents fall apart when we’re in a truly unprecedented time.
The live coverage of Wednesday’s assault on American democracy underplayed its seriousness.
She would hardly be the first running mate who criticized the nominee in a debate.
President Trump’s threat to attack Iranian cultural sites would most likely constitute a war crime if he actually carried it out.
A new report details the extent to which the eighteen-year Afghanistan War has been marked by mistakes, and lies by the government to cover-up the fact that we went to war without a clear understanding of what we were doing.
If President Trump expected to get a political bump from the death of the leader of ISIS, he is most likely going to be disappointed.
There’s apparently big news in the fight against ISIS.
Eighteen years after it started, the American public seems to be mostly ignoring the war in Afghanistan. But that isn’t an excuse for not bringing it to an end.
Well that didn’t take long.
Eighteen years after the September 11th attacks, it’s becoming harder to remember what the world used to be like.
President Trump announced late yesterday that he had called off secret meetings with the Taliban. The fact that they were even going to happen reveals yet again what’s wrong with his foreign policy.
Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail last night with another one of his red meat speeches. The analogies it causes one to draw are chilling to say the least.
The Supreme Court has struck down a provision of the Lanham Act barring approval of “immoral” or “scandalous” trademarks as unconstitutional.
The planes were apparently in the air, and the ships in position, for an American attack on Iran last night. Then the order to pull back came in.
Amusing results, and a history lesson, in a new poll
John Walker Lindh, the so-called “American Taliban,” has been released from prison but the war in which he was captured goes merrily along.
Sunday’s attacks in Sri Lanka make it clear that the claim that ISIS has been defeated are nowhere close to being true.
Evidence is emerging that the Sri Lankan government had advance warning regarding potential terror attacks but failed to act on the information.
The legendary figure was in charge of strategic forecasting at the Pentagon for decades.
The Saudis tortured an American citizen, but the Trump Administration doesn’t care.
While the rest of the world looks at other events, tensions are flaring in a long-standing global hot spot.
Rather than pulling completely out of Syria the United States will be leaving behind a token force of about 200 troops. This is a mistake.