A Man For All Seasons goes to the heart of our current political season
The Washington Post proves that, no matter how hard you try, you can’t cover some stories neutrally.
The Robespierres in the House of Representatives are driving American politics in a predictably horrible direction.
Autocrats facing defeat have all kinds of counterproductive, dangerous ideas.
You have to be suspicious of people who enjoy gangster movies a bit too much.
Putin must be worrying about losing what little empire he has built.
The disintegrating military situation is leading to escalating brutality.
Putin is a monster, but he may also be just as irrational as the rest of us.
Pundits like Thomas Friedman struggle with premature prognostication.
The military threat is smaller, but the political one is bigger.
I guess you proved your point about great powers picking and choosing their battlefields.
We’re all apes. And some are willfully stupid about their public duties.
Even the smartest designers can’t anticipate all the flaws with the rules they write.
Our current forms of collective action on guns have failed us.
The distance in accountability between the highest and the lowest must be shortened.
Historical precedents fall apart when we’re in a truly unprecedented time.
Yesterday showed that Biden understands the “dignified” part of politics.
We spend so much time fighting over who should be in power that we don’t get anything important done.
The press’ abandonment of Bothsiderism is decades overdue.
The lawyers can’t clean up the mess left by the President’s sudden incapacity.
It’s time to accept the desecration of our political constitution.
Ignoring religious diversity makes polarization much worse.
Sorry, UC Irvine, as long as Navarro is on the faculty, no donations from this graduate.
The Republican Party is now the mirror image of the totalitarian propagandists it used to hate.
Institutional reform is necessary, but we can’t accomplish much in the face of tribalism.
Having failed to prevent or contain it, aggressive stupidity is now washing over us.
We can’t punish every politician with a mental problem, but some are clearly unfit for office.
How about crowd sourcing a timeline for all of Trump’s enablers?
Conspiracy theories are poisoning the United States. That’s no joke.