Sarah Palin’s Unfavorable Numbers Hit Another High
The decline in Sarah Palin’s poll numbers that began with the aftermath of the Tucson shootings hasn’t let up yet:
The latest WSJ/NBC News poll finds support for Sarah Palin has collapsed nationally with just 25% of Americans now viewing her positively and 53% viewing her negatively.
The trend has been quite remarkable:
At this point, Palin has all the excuse she needs to pass up a run for the White House that she cannot possibly win and keep raking in the big bucks.
What’s really shocking is that this post has been up for some number of minutes and none of the usual Palinbots have posted a link to that old post telling Doug to lay off Palin. She really is doomed.
Doug is simply posting poll results and adding his ill-informed opinion, so there is no problem with this.
It’s when he writes one of his patented headlines that distorts the content and the facts that we get a little upset.
Wow, only 10 minutes between jwest’s patently ludicrous objection and JM showing up and posting what westie said he wouldn’t. Good going!
Most amazing. Palin has not cost this country a thing. Obama is sending us to the poorhouse by design. If she runs, not withstanding Mataconis’ evaluations. She will beat Obama like he was a bastard step child. Oh, I forgot. He might just be a bastard step child.
Mataconis peaked with his childish joke about Palin in India it’s been downhill all the way since then.