Sharron Angle Speaks At John Birch Society Sponsored Event

Over the weekend, Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Sharron Angle spoke at an event that was co-sponsored by the John Birch Society:

The first Utah United Freedom Conference was held on September 18th, at the Radisson Hotel in Salt Lake City. The national sponsors of the event were The John Birch Society, Freedom 21, and the National Center for Constitutional Studies. Additionally, there were approximately 33 local sponsors including The John Birch Society, Utah Eagle Forum, Utah Farm Bureau, and the Utah Cattleman’s Association, as well as several 9/12 groups and others. The conference event was held through the day and was attended by 375 participants. …

The concluding speaker for the morning session was Steven Pratt, who has a Masters Degree in Education and did postgraduate work at the University of California at Berkley. He is working with the Center for Constitutional Studies and worked under the late W. Cleon Skousen. Mr. Pratt  spoke on “State Sovereignty, the Original Concept.”

Throughout the afternoon there were three breakout sessions featuring 13 different classes — all of which were focused on issues concerning constitutional government and individual liberties. Booths in the hall represented several of the participating organizations. The John Birch Society, for example, was present with two booths featuring books, magazines and DVDs to help inform the participants. Attendees found a wealth of additional knowledge and tools to help with their organizations.

The evenings event concluded with Speakers Rep. Carl Wimmer (“Working to pass the Nullification Act to Obama-care in the Utah State Legislature.”) and Sharron Angle, (U.S. Senate Candidate, Nevada).

Does noboby remember that William F. Buckley Jr drummed these people out of respectable conservatism 45 years ago ?

H/T: Frum Forum

FILED UNDER: 2010 Election, US Politics, , , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. The John Birch Society
    (Michael Brown)

    Oh we’re meeting at the courthouse at eight o’clock tonight
    You just come in the door and take the first turn to the right
    Be careful when you get there, we’d hate to be bereft
    But we’re taking down the names of everybody turning left

         ‘Cause we’re the John Birch Society, the John Birch Society
         Here to save this country from a communistic plot
         We’re the John Birch Society, help us swell the ranks
         To get this movement started, we need lots of tools and cranks

    Now there’s no one that’s certain that the Kremlin doesn’t touch
    We think that Westbrook Pegler doth protest a bit too much
    We only hail the hero from whom we got our name
    We’re not sure what he did, but he’s our hero all the same

         Join the John Birch Society, the John Birch Society
         Socialism is the ism dismalist of all
         Join the John Birch Society, there’s so much to do
         Have you heard they’re serving vodka at the W.C.T.U.

    Well you’ve heard about the agents that we’ve already named
    Well M.C.A. has agents that are flatly unashamed
    We’re after Rosie Clooney, we’ve gotten Pinky Lee
    And the day we get Red Skelton won’t that be a victory

    For we’re the John Birch Society, the John Birch Society
    Norman Vincent Peale may think he’s kidding us along
    But the John Birch Society knows he spilled the beans
    He keeps on preaching brotherhood, but we know what he means

    We’ll teach you how to spot ’em in the city or the sticks
    ‘Cause even Jasper Junction is just full of Bolsheviks
    The CIA’s subversive and so’s the FCC
    There’s no one left but thee and we, and we’re not sure of thee

    Oh we’re the John Birch Society, the John Birch Society
    Here to save our country from a Communistic plot
    Join the John Birch Society, holding off the Reds
    We’ll use our hands and hearts, and if we must, we’ll use our heads

    BRIDGE: (O beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain)

    spoken:   Friends, do you want Justice Warren to be your Commissar?

    Do you want Mrs. Khrushchev in there with the DAR?

    You cannot trust your neighbors, or even next-of-kin

    If mommy is a Commie then you gotta turn her in

    To the John Birch Society, the John Birch Society
    Fighting for the right to fight the right fight for the right
    Join the John Birch Society, as we’re marching on
    We’ll all be glad to see you when we’re meeting in the John
    In the John, In the John Birch Society

  2. Franklin says:

    I just got a piece of junk mail from Ms. Angle asking for a campaign donation.  I live a good 2000 miles from Nevada, have never donated to a Republican, and frankly think she’s a twit.  How exactly did I get on her mailing list?