Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four Movie Sequel

The Silver Surfer will make his live-action debut in the second installment of the Fantastic Four movie franchise.

The Silver Surfer will make his live action debut in the second installment of the Fantastic Four movie franchise, USA Today‘s Arienne Thompson reports.

Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four Movie Sequel

In June, the Silver Surfer jumps from page to screen in The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

With computer-generated imagery techniques similar to those used to create Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, the slippery Surfer, voiced by Doug Jones, “will look somewhere between gun metal and fluid metallics so you can see the body motion, the breathing, the muscle tone, the mood,” says Marvel Studios CEO Avi Arad.

The Surfer’s mood is key to the story. After striking a deal with the evil Galactus to save his planet, the once-human Surfer wreaks havoc throughout the cosmos. “He is a highly emotional being, trapped inside fluid metal,” Arad says.

Audiences will get a first look at the Silver Surfer this weekend in trailers before Night at the Museum.

Cool. The Surfer was long one of the more interesting Marvel supporting characters, although not one able to carry a book (or movie) on his own.

Gone Hollywood

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Steve Verdon says:

    Good god, not Jessica Alba as the brainy scientist chic again. She is hot, but damn that is a complete mis-casting there.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Actually, it’s her husband, Reed Richards, that’s the brainy scientist. As best I can tell, Sue Storm/Richards never graduated college.

    The origin has been recast several times since my comics reading days but this is what Wikipedia has:

    While living with her aunt, Susan, at the young age of 12, met her future husband, Reed Richards, a house guest who was attending college. When she graduated high school, she moved to California to attend college, where she pursued an acting career and encountered Richards again. The two of them began to become romantically involved with each other.

  3. Gollum says:

    Sue Storm/Richards: Lolita/Porn Star/Gold Digger/Superhero

    If the progression is correct, next up is “Elected Official.”

  4. Ugh says:

    I was thinking the other day, when going through my old comics and trying to decide whether to sell them, that the Silver Surfer is an absurdly ridiculous character. I mean, a surfboard?

    That said, the picture is cool and I hope they do a good job of it (not that I saw the first FF movie).

  5. Steve Verdon says:

    Actually, it’s her husband, Reed Richards, that’s the brainy scientist. As best I can tell, Sue Storm/Richards never graduated college.

    In the movie she is supposed to be geneticist.

  6. James Joyner says:

    In the movie she is supposed to be geneticist.

    Funny. I didn’t catch that angle. Very bizarre, really, but I guess it’s more PC to have her also be brainy.

  7. Anderson says:

    Funny. I didn’t catch that angle.

    Not that we were supposed to dwell on it for more than 0.1 seconds.

    The character has more to do with jeans than genes (hawr, hawr, wheeze).

  8. Patrick T. McGuire says:

    Uh… this is a fictitious movie character y’all are talking about, right?

  9. Christopher says:

    The FF was The STUPIDEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are supposed to get excited for #2?

  10. nick soden says:

    You mentioned that silver surfer only had a supporting role in Marvel comics. This is false, since he had a long running comic devoted just to himself called “silver surfer”. It was my favorite while it lasted.