Announcing a New Podcast: Ancient Geeks

A pop culture diversion.

Trump the Antihero?

The cruelty isn’t the point.

Mickey Mouse Entering Public Domain (Sort Of)

Steamboat Willie is about to be ripe for exploitation.

More on Small Town Justice

A deep tradition rightly under scrutiny.

Top Gun: Maverick Setting Records

Mild spoilers ahead.

Neal Adams, 1941-2022

The legendary comic book artist is gone at 80.

Debt Ceiling Thoughts

American exceptionalism at its worst. (Plus some history!).

Wonder Woman 1984

A very low-spoilers review.

Batman Turns 80

Issue #1000 of Detective Comics is hitting the stands.

What is the Deal with Lindsey Graham?

Graham is blocking a vote on a non-binding resolution on the Mueller report.

Dad’s Stuff is Junk, Grandma’s Stuff is Treasure?

Does trash become treasure with time?

Marvel Comics Creator Stan Lee Dies At 95

Rest in Peace and Excelsior, Stan Lee!

Claire Foy Earned Less Than Her On-Screen Husband for ‘The Crown’

While examples of Hollywood sexism are seemingly endless, this is not one of them.

Adam West, Television’s Batman, Dies At 88

R.I.P., Caped Crusader

Donald Trump Returns To Dark, Dystopian Themes In Convention Speech

Donald Trump started out his campaign by telling us that the American dream is dead, and he returned to those dark and pessimistic themes in his acceptance speech last night.00

Bernie Sanders Still Not Conceding

Bernie Sanders doesn’t seem to realize that the political world has already moved past the race for the Democratic nomination.

Hollywood’s Changing Male Ideal

On screen body objectification is now equal opportunity.

Superhero Movie Actor Comparisons: Who Pulled Off Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and Hulk Best?

Who was the better Superman: Christopher Reeve or Henry Cavill? Who was the better Batman: Michael Keaton or Christian Bale? Who was the better Spiderman: Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield?

Films Based On Marvel Comics More Successful Than Those Based On DC Comics

Films from the House of Spiderman have grossed more than those from the House of Superman. But that’s mostly because of ticket price increases.

Superman Turns 75

Today is the 75th anniversary of Superman.

Die Hard’s Enduring Appeal

An excellent essay by Adam Sternbergh “On the Enduring Appeal of ‘Die Hard.'”

Marvel Kills Spider-Man Again

Issue #700 marks the final issue of Amazing Spider-Man and Peter Parker’s run as that character. For now.

New Star Wars Movie Coming in 2015

George Lucas has sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney, which has announced a new Star Wars movie for 2015.

12 Dead, At Least 50 Wounded In Mass Shooting At Colorado Movie Theater

Terror erupted in a Colorado movie theater early this morning.

Why Are So Many Superheroes Orphans?

Most of the most popular superheroes in American comics are orphans. Coincidence or something else?

Rush Limbaugh: Batman Villain Created In 1993 Is Attack On Romney

Rush Limbaugh made perhaps one of the dumber comments I’ve seen from the right about the entire Bain Capital story, and managed to display an apparent inability to use Google to look things up.

Dark Knight Rises Trailer

The trailer for the next Batman movie, “The Dark Knight Rises,” is out.

Fear of a Black Spider-Man

Marvel has created an alternate universe in which Spiderman is a half-black, half-Latino teenager. Some people are angry.

Jack Kirby in 1965. (Rosalind Kirby Estate) Jack Kirby in 1965. (Rosalind Kirby Estate)

Jack Kirby’s Heirs Suing Marvel

Jack Kirby’s heir are trying to posthumously renegotiate half-century old deals with Marvel.

DC Resets Universe Again

DC is once again resetting the clock on its universe and starting all its books over with issue #1.

Batman: Agent of the State

Given that Batman has quasi-official sanction from the Gotham Police, aren’t his tactics illegal?

Blame Canada

Military Medal Myths

It has never been illegal to wear military medals and uniforms to costume parties or while portraying a soldier in a movie.

Wonder Woman Gets New Costume

After 69 years fighting crime in a star-spangled bathing suit, Wonder Woman will get a super hero costume.

George Will – Never in Blue Jeans

George Will’s view of denim is about forty years out of date.

Comic Book Foreign Policy (or the Batman Theory of Foreign Policy)

Readers may be familiar with the Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics. Now, there’s a competing theory.

Iron Man a Second-Tier Superhero?

The lead character of the new Marvel movie hasn’t received the pop-culture exposure of Superman, Batman, Spiderman, or the Hulk.

Comic Books and the War on Terror

For universal icons, albeit fictional ones, to suddenly become partisan props is a bit sad.

Pat Leahy in Batman Dark Knight Movie

Patrick Leahy has a small part in “The Dark Knight,” the next Batman flick. No word on whether Dick Cheney will take part.