Talk about your self-promotion: Politics1 has found something odd:

Check out the official campaign website for Jeff Fisher (D-FL), an underdog congressional candidate. From the site, you’d think it should be renamed as the official “Emmie Ross, U.S. Congressional Campaign Manager” site (that’s a title she uses for her signature line on some pages). Instead of finding the candidate’s name and face plastered over the site, Ross places her name on every page (sometimes multiple times). There’s a big picture of Ross on the news page. Even a photo of the candidate shows him posing with … Emmie Ross. The top item listed on the homepage: “News/Opinions for Democrats by Emmie Ross.” And, folks … “Remember with every donation you will receive a CD of Jeff Fisher and Emmie Ross live national radio interview.”


James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Katewerk says:

    “Thank you God for the generous donations that
    we are receiving!!!”

    Looks like she’s worth every penny. Tha’ts a hell… er .. one damned …. er … one very influencial campaign contributor.