On the Removal of CSA Symbols

Symbols shape our views of the past.

Virginia Statewide Races Closely Fought Over Ahead Of Primaries

In addition to the race in New Jersey, the statewide races in Virginia are also being looked to as a barometer of American politics in the first year of the Trump Administration.

What Trump’s Civil War Comments Reveal About Him

President Trump’s comments about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War reveal something about how he thinks, and it’s not good.

Clinton Cleared Legally, But Her ‘Extreme’ Carelessness Will Follow Her To The White House

Hillary Clinton’s extreme carelessness with classified information probably won’t cost her the election, but it should.

Clinton Crushes In Mississippi, Sanders In Michigan, Clinton Still Controls The Race

Hilary Clinton crushed Bernie Sanders in Mississippi, but was surprised by Bernie Sanders in Michigan. Nonetheless she still remains in control of the race.

Mississippi Still Trying To Rid Itself Of Confederate Flag, Enter 21st Cenutry

Five months after Charleston, Mississippi is still struggling to rid itself of symbols of the Confederacy.

The Confederate Flag Battle Slips Into Silly Territory

The Confederate Flag needs to be removed from official places of honor, but do we really need to worry about reruns of The Dukes of Hazzard?

The Confederate Flag Has Always Been About Hate, Not “Heritage”

The people who continue to claim that the Confederate Flag is about anything other than hatred, racism, and a nation that celebrated slavery are lying to you and to themselves.

Jim Webb Defends The Confederate Flag

If Jim Webb runs for President, he will be the only candidate in either party who is on record defending the Confederate Battle Flag. And he’s thinking of running as a Democrat.

The Stories we Tell Ourselves (Battle Flag Edition)

An important tenet of the internet is “don’t read the comments.” Well, I have violated that rule of late–which means more musings on the symbols of the CSA.

The Battle Against The Confederate Flag Moves Beyond South Carolina

As Governor Haley pushes the South Carolina legislature to take the Confederate Flag down, the movement moves beyond the Palmetto State.

Republican Candidates Are Dodging The Issue On The Confederate Flag

With notable exceptions, most of the Republican candidates for President are refusing to take a stand on the propriety of South Carolina flying the Confederate Flag. That’s called cowardice.

It’s Long Past Time To Abandon The Confederate Flag

The murders in Charleston have revived a debate that should have been over a long time ago.

Supreme Court Says Texas Can Ban Confederate License Plates, Endangering Freedom Of Speech

The Supreme Court ruled that states don’t have to grant license plates that display the Confederate flag. Their decision has the potential to seriously harm the First Amendment.

Abraham Lincoln, 150 Years Later

150 years later, Abraham Lincoln continues to inspire us.

Supreme Court To Decide If State Can Deny License Plate With Confederate Flag Design

The Supreme Court is set to decide if the state can deny a license plate with the Confederate flag design because it is “offensive.”

A (Mostly) Solid Republican South, At Least For Now

The GOP is dominant in the Southern United States, but it’s unlikely to last as long as Democratic dominance of the region did.

Jim Webb For President?

The former Virginia Senator is talking about running for President.

Could The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Make It Through Congress Today?

The sad truth is that the bipartisanship that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 no longer exists today.

Who will be the new House Whip?

GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy of California won the vote to replace Eric Cantor as the new GOP House Majority Leader. The question is who replaces McCarthy.

More on the Symbols of the South

The notion that the past has been fully settled is simply incorrect and our debates over symbols illustrate this fact.

The War of the Rebellion and the Naming of the American Civil War

The history of what to call the American Civil War.

Questions For “Constitutional Conservatives” Regarding The House’s Abortion Bill

Why did House Republicans vote overwhelmingly for a bill that their own theories would find to be unconstitutional?

About Those Secession Petitions

There’s been a bit of buzz of late about the fact that people in several states have filed petitions to secede from the Union. There shouldn’t be.

Andrew Sullivan: If Romney Wins Virginia And Florida, It’s The Return Of The Confederacy

Equating opposition to the President with racism is absurd.

How Virginia Went From Red To Purple

Virginia went Republican in every presidential contest from 1968 to 2004. It’s likely to vote for Barack Obama again five weeks from now.

150 Years Ago Today, The Bloodiest Day In American History

Today is the anniversary of a significant turning point in the Civil War.

ObamaCare And The Supreme Court’s Legitimacy

Is the Supreme Court risking it’s legitimacy if it strikes down the individual mandate?

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

Newt Gingrich Flunks History

Newt Gingrich gets his Civil War history very wrong.

Madison and States v. the Central Government

Madison went to Philadelphia wanting to increase the power of the central government over the states (quite a bit, in fact).

Michele Bachmann’s Odd Views On Slavery And The Civil War

Michele Bachmann’s view of history is based in a world view that would be foreign to most Americans.

The First Memorial Day

David Blight recounts the story of the first Memorial Day.

Southerners Not Happy to Have Lost Civil War

So, some bright people are surprised at new polling showing that a significant minority of Southerners have not enthusiastically embraced their ancestors’ loss in the Civil War.

Lee-Jackson Day And The South’s Continuing Confederate Fetish

It’s Lee-Jackson Day again in Virginia, and, once again, I find myself wondering why the South continues to honor a dishonorable legacy.

Memo To South Carolina: Your Secession Is Nothing To Celebrate

150 years ago today a group of men gathered in Charleston, South Carolina and made one of the gravest mistakes in American history. They should not be honored for it.

Things not to Celebrate: Secession

Roughly 150 years ago, the CSA was born. Is this something worthy of celebration?

99 Democratic House Seats in Danger?

Politico says 99 Democratic House seats are “in play.” They’re not. But dozens are.

Iroquois Passports OK in UK, Not USA

The Iroquois lacrosse team has been caught in a classic Catch-22. The U.S. government won’t recognize their passports and they won’t use U.S. passports as a matter of principle.