Explaining the Sanders-Warren Flap

Two progressives enter. One progressive leaves.

It’s Putin’s World, We’re Just Living In It

Notwithstanding Russia’s weak position vis a vis the west, It’s Putin who seems to be winning.

DOJ Inspector General Rebuts Trump On Russia Investigation

After a two-year investigation, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice found no basis for the conspiracy theories being pushed by the Republicans regarding the Russia investigation.

George Zimmerman Files Bizarre, Conspiracy Theory Laden, Lawsuit

George Zimmerman has filed a bizarre conspiracy theory-laden lawsuit against Trayvon Martin’s family, prosecutors, and others.

House Judiciary Committee Opens Impeachment Hearings

The impeachment inquiry moves to the House judiciary Committee this morning.

Regarding Hunter Biden

Seeking to have a US citizen investigated by a foreign government based on innuendo is a major problem.

Giuliani Sought Contracts With Ukrainian Government

The vultures keep circling above the head of “America’s Mayor.”

Russian Flag with Person with computer in front of it. Russian Flag with Person with computer in front of it.

Trump and “the Server”

POTUS believes, and is propagating, a conspiracy theory.

Justice Department Report Undermines GOP Conspiracy Theory On Russia Investigation

An internal Justice Department investigation fails to find any evidence of political bias in the Russia investigation.

While Republicans Push Debunked Ukraine Conspiracy Theory, Putin Takes A Victory Lap

As Republicans and their conservative cohorts spread a discredited conspiracy theory about the 2016 election, Vladimir Putin smiles at yet another victory.

Key Diplomat And Trump Supporter Confirms Existence Of Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

A key diplomat and close supporter of the President has essentially confirmed the existence of a quid pro quo between Ukrainian aid and negative information about the President’s political opponents.

RealClear Reveals Whistleblower Name, Foments Conspiracy Theory

The man who sparked the investigation into the President’s illegal conduct has been outed in a futile attempt to discredit it.

N.S.C. Aide Gives Damning Testimony About Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

Yesterday’s testimony by Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman including information particularly damaging to the President and his defenses to the charges against him in the Ukraine matter.

Trump’s Lies Continue To Mount

As he reaches his 1,000th day in office, Trump’s lies pile up at an astronomical rate.

Senate Report Details Russian Interference In 2016 Election, Warns About 2020

A new Senate Intelligence Committee report adds to the evidence regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Former Ambassador To Ukraine: Pressure From Trump And Giuliani Forced Me Out

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, had a lot to say when she testified before Congress yesterday.

The Biggest Winner In The Trump-Ukraine Scandal? Putin, Of Course

With the ongoing Ukraine scandal having an impact in Washington and Kyiv, the biggest winner is in Moscow.

Giuliani Subpoenaed In Impeachment Inquiry

The President’s attorney Rudy Giuliani is among the first to be served with a subpoena in connection with the newly-launched impeachment inquiry.

Joe Arpaio Running For Sheriff Again

Controversial former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was voted out of office in 2016 after serving six terms in office, is running to get his old job back.

This Week in Trump

And what a week it has been.

Federal Agencies Sending Articles from Hate Sites to Employees

A disturbing story that’s almost certainly not what it first appears.

Trump vs. Fox News Channel

Even when it comes from his favorite propaganda network, Donald Trump doesn’t like bad news.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Death Officially Ruled Suicide

Confirming the original diagnosis, Jeffrey Epstein’s death last weekend has been ruled a suicide.

Jeffrey Epstein Dead In Apparent Suicide

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier who was arrested earlier this summer on sex trafficking and abuse charges, has died of what appears to be a suicide in his jail cell.

Second Circuit Reinstates Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against The New York Times

In a unanimous decision, a three-judge panel from the Second Circuit has reinstated Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit against The New York Times.

Mueller Testimony Delayed One Week

Delay of game.

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Charged With Sex Trafficking Of Minors

Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire investor previously charged with sex crimes involving minors, has been charged with sex trafficking involving minors.

They’ve Got XCIX Problems, But Arabic Numerals Ain’t One

Amusing results, and a history lesson, in a new poll

Measles Cases Hit Highest Level In U.S. In 25 Years

Thanks largely to anti-vaccination propaganda, the Centers for Disease Control reports that measles cases in the U.S. are at a level unseen in a quarter century.

Trump Not Pleased With Fox News Reaching Out To Democratic Candidates

President Trump isn’t pleased that a news network that has generally been his own personal propaganda network is reaching out to Democrats.

Ennui and the Mueller Report

The findings are a dispiriting Rorschach test.

Americans Want to Ban Hate Speech But Can’t Define It

Two-thirds want social media platforms to ban harassment and racist, sexist, and other offensive speech.

Terrorist Attack Kills 49 in Christchurch Mosques

Another white supremacist attack raises disturbing questions about our information environment.

U.S. Measles Cases Hit Another High

Measles cases in the United States are surging thanks to the lies spread by the anti-vaccination movement.

Amazon Prime Removes Anti-Vax Documentaries

A powerful Congressman successfully pressured a media giant to pull content. We should be worried.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Returns For Oral Arguments

Notorious RBG is back on the bench.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Returns To The Supreme Court

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg returned to the Supreme Court today and appears to have fully recovered from her December surgery.

Is Sean Hannity A Cable News Host Or A Trump Propagandist? Apparently, He’s Both.

When do we stop pretending that Fox News Channel is anything other than State Run Media for the Trump Administration?

Bizarre Far-Right Scheme To Smear Bob Mueller Collapses

Robert Mueller’s office has referred an apparent effort to bribe women into making allegations against him to the F.B.I.

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Charged With Multiple Federal And State Crimes

Charges have been filed against the man responsible for the massacre in Pittsburgh in both Federal and State court.

Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Results In Response To Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Line

Elizabeth Warren has released a DNA report showing that she does indeed have some Native American heritage in her family’s past. That won’t stop conservatives from continuing to attack her, though.

Kavanaugh and Gorsuch Yearbooks

A telling contrast of two Georgetown Prep schoolmates.

Trump Spreads Lies And Conspiracy Theories About Deaths From Hurricane Maria

President Trump is apparently a Hurricane Maria Truther.

Kavanaugh Hearings End With Little Doubt On The Outcome Of The Fight

After four days of hearings, the fate of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court seems assured.

Duncan Hunter Blames Wife, Deep State, For Embezzling Campaign Funds

Recently indicted Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr. is blaming his apparently estranged wife and the so-called “Deep State” for the fact that he’s charged with embezzling a quarter million dollars from his campaign.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Targeted In Apparent Assassination Attempt

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro survived an apparent, albeit amateurish, assassination attempt yesterday in what could be a sign of underlying instability in Venezuela.

ABC Cancels Top-Rated ‘Roseanne’ After Racist Tweetstorm

Hours after she unleashed a racist Twitter tirade, Roseanne Barr has had her show canceled by ABC. Of course, ABC knew who it was doing business with well before today.

More Sandy Hook Families Sue Alex Jones

Alex Jones is finally being called on to answer for his irresponsible lying about events like the Sandy Hook shooting.

Another Appalling Display Of Trumpidian Ignorance

Just when you think the President has hit rock bottom, it gets worse.