House Judiciary Committee Releases Report On Trump Impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee has issued its report on the impeachment of President Trump.

House Judiciary Committee Unveils Articles Of Impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee has revealed the Articles of Impeachment against the President that it will vote on later this week.

House Judiciary Committee To Unveil Articles Of Impeachment

After a hearing that largely recapped the past month of hearings on Capitol Hill, the House Judiciary Committee is set to unveil Articles of Impeachment today.

House Judiciary Committee Releases Impeachment Report

The House Judiciary Committee moved one step closer to impeachment.

George Zimmerman Files Bizarre, Conspiracy Theory Laden, Lawsuit

George Zimmerman has filed a bizarre conspiracy theory-laden lawsuit against Trayvon Martin’s family, prosecutors, and others.

House To Move Forward On Articles Of Impeachment

In the wake of yesterday’s hearing, the House of Representatives is taking the inevitable next step.

Regarding Hunter Biden

Seeking to have a US citizen investigated by a foreign government based on innuendo is a major problem.

Giuliani Sought Contracts With Ukrainian Government

The vultures keep circling above the head of “America’s Mayor.”

Impeachment Polling Largely Steady After Hearings

After two weeks of hearings, public opinion has not moved very much on the impeachment of the President.

Russian Flag with Person with computer in front of it. Russian Flag with Person with computer in front of it.

Trump and “the Server”

POTUS believes, and is propagating, a conspiracy theory.

Summing up the Charges Against Trump

An ongoing attempt to summarize the complex.

While Republicans Push Debunked Ukraine Conspiracy Theory, Putin Takes A Victory Lap

As Republicans and their conservative cohorts spread a discredited conspiracy theory about the 2016 election, Vladimir Putin smiles at yet another victory.

Trump Growing More Agitated As Impeachment Inquiry Continues, Reports Say

As the walls close in, the President is growing more agitated.

Trump Ambassador: Yes, There Was A Quid Pro Quo

Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the European Union provides yet more evidence to support impeachment of the President.

Impeachment Hearings Enter Busy Second Week

Today begins another week of impeachment hearings by the House Intelligence Committee. By the time the smoke clears, the ground could have shifted significantly for the President.

The Basic Problem with Trump and Ukraine

Public resources do not belong to the president to use for private gain.

Former Ambassador Describes Effort By Trump Associates To Push Her Aside

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch described how the President’s allies intimidated her out of her position, while the President intimidated her live on Twitter.

Democrats Shift Focus To Bribery As Impeachment Inquiry Moves Forward

As the impeachment proceedings move forward, Democrats are shifting their focus to a specific, and powerful, charge.

Former Ambassador To Testify On Day Two Of Impeachment Hearings

Day two of Congressional impeachment hearings will be marked by the testimony of the former American Ambassador to Ukraine.

Democrats Begin To Make Their Case In First Day of Public Impeachment Hearings

There were few fireworks during the first day of public impeachment hearings, but the ground work for a case against the President was laid.

Congress Begins Public Impeachment Hearings

In a few short hours, the House Intelligence Committee begins the public phase of its impeachment inquiry.

Rudy Giuliani Lawyers Up

Caught in the middle of the Ukraine scandal, the President”s lawyer has gotten his own lawyers.

Public Impeachment Hearings To Begin Next Week

Get the popcorn and your favorite beverage ready.

Proof Of A Quid Pro Quo On Ukraine Is Coming From Inside The White House

The proof of a quid pro quo is coming from inside the President’s own Administration.

RealClear Reveals Whistleblower Name, Foments Conspiracy Theory

The man who sparked the investigation into the President’s illegal conduct has been outed in a futile attempt to discredit it.

Government in the Private Interest

A current defense of Trump raises an ancient political question.

Top U.S. Diplomat Confirms Quid Pro Quo On Ukraine Aid

A top U.S. diplomat involved in Ukraine policy confirmed the existence of a quid pro quo regarding U.S aid to Ukraine.

The Problem with Trump: The Ukraine Call

The third part of a long, but connected, set of thoughts.

Trump Basically Let Rudy Giuliani Hijack American Foreign Policy

New testimony from a former Trump adviser details how Rudy Giuliani was able to hijek American foreign policy.

Former Ambassador To Ukraine: Pressure From Trump And Giuliani Forced Me Out

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, had a lot to say when she testified before Congress yesterday.

Rudy Giuliani Under Criminal Investigation

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is under criminal investigation by the same office he once headed as U.S. Attorney.

Two Giuliani Associates Arrested While Heading Out Of The Country

Two associates of President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani were arrested on their way out of the country, and the question is what connection Giuliani may have to the reasons behind their arrest.

Trump Now Asking China To Investigate Joe Biden

Donald Trump is now committing his crimes in public.

Jake Tapper And Chris Wallace Demonstrate How To Cross-Examine A Trump Surrogate

Jake Tapper and Chris Wallace both put Administration surrogates through the ringer on their respective Sunday morning shows.

The Quid Pro Quo Debate

A little bit of this for a little bit of that.

White House Transcript Confirms Trump Asked Ukraine President To Investigate Biden

The White House has released a summary of the July 25th phone call between President Trump and the President of Ukraine. It doesn’t help President Trump or his defenders.

Federal Agencies Sending Articles from Hate Sites to Employees

A disturbing story that’s almost certainly not what it first appears.

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Charged With Sex Trafficking Of Minors

Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire investor previously charged with sex crimes involving minors, has been charged with sex trafficking involving minors.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

The Birthers Come For Kamala Harris

A new racist meme questioning Kamala Harris’s background is circulating on the Internet.

Attorney General Opens Another Investigation Into Origins Of Russia Probe

Attorney General William Barr has opened a new investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation, a move that seems suspiciously political.

The ‘Trope’ Trope

You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Supreme Court Set To Hear Landmark Case On Double Jeopardy

Later this week, the Supreme Court will hear a case that could rewrite decades of law interpreting the Fifth Amendment’s Double Jeopardy rule.

The First Amendment Problems With Prosecuting Julian Assange And Wikileaks

An effort by the Federal Government to prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange raises serious First Amendment issues.

Michelle Obama Hasn’t Forgiven Trump For Spreading Racist Birther Lies

Michelle Obama can’t forgive Donald Trump for his role in spreading the racist birther conspiracy. I can’t say I blame her.

Bizarre Far-Right Scheme To Smear Bob Mueller Collapses

Robert Mueller’s office has referred an apparent effort to bribe women into making allegations against him to the F.B.I.

Kavanaugh and Gorsuch Yearbooks

A telling contrast of two Georgetown Prep schoolmates.

Judge Denies Alex Jones Bid To Dismiss Defamation Lawsuit

Alex Jones lost a bid to dismiss a lawsuit filed by families of children killed in the Sandy Hook massacre.

The Real Goal Of Russian Election Interference

Russia’s real goal in interfering in American elections may not have anything to do with favoring one candidate over another.

Donald Trump’s Deplorable Memorial Day Tweet

Donald Trump chose to mark Memorial Day by talking about himself.