Gaetz’s own party hates him almost as much as the Democrats hate him
Ignorance and motivated reasoning are never a good combination
What out of control prosecutors and judges actually look like and why more people should be treated like former President Trump
A deep dive into why imperfect Criminal Legal System data is still reliable
A few predictions that are going to disappoint just about everyone.
With the help of Popehat, I call out issues with the Fulton County case &, in doing so, piss everyone off
When a go-to “nonpartisan” defender breaks rank does that change your opinion?
“Classical liberals” really need to rediscover self examination
My (apparently) annual reflections on “The content of their character” day
An example of why its a good idea to wait for data before making policy decisions.
Are 20 arrests worth a $1.2 million dollar investment?
Tell us you don’t know anything about Federal Warrants without telling us you don’t know anything about Federal Warrants
An example of security theater with proven negative social impacts
An extraordinary example shines light on coercive factors that incentivize plea deals
Some of the other costs that come with exercising a constitutional right
A new trial that might not have happened with a plea
If this is the best they have, they don’t have a lot
The front-runner was indeed the pick
An example of how lack of regulation leads to practices that damage public faith in policing
Why clearing criminal records makes economic sense
With choices like these it’s easy to understand why people take plea deals
Republicans competing to see who can be the toughest on crime
But from what? Comparing two stories from Tennessee that show our society’s contradictory impulses when it comes to “protecting the children.”
Two stories about our culture’s focus on punishment
How the host’s off-camera views contradict what he was telling his audience