Ben Carson Isn’t Alone In Having Utterly Silly Ideas About The Debt Ceiling

Yes, Ben Carson’s comments about the debt ceiling are silly, but it’s the fact that a lot of Republicans agree with him that’s dangerous.

House Speaker John Boehner To Resign

Big news out of Washington, D.C.

The Latest Conservative Rebellion Against John Boehner Is Fizzling Out

The latest effort by conservative Republicans to oust John Boehner appears to be coming to an unsurprising end.

John Boehner Faces A Tough Fall On Capitol Hill

Speaker John Boehner seems likely to see another leadership threat from fellow Republicans this fall.

Everybody Hates Congress

Another poll confirms the fact that Americans of all political stripes continue to hold Congress is disdain.

With Hours Left, The Fate Of The PATRIOT Act Remains Uncertain

The Senate returns tomorrow to try to pass an extension of the PATRIOT Act before it expires, but it may not be able to do so.

Controlling Congress

A theme that just won’t go away.

Most Americans Oppose GOP’s Decision To Invite Netanyahu To Speak Before Congress

By a wide margin Americans think it was wrong of the GOP to invite Israel’s Prime Minister to speak to Congress.

Will Congressional Republicans Listen To Their Base, Or To The American Public?

Post-election polling shows that the majority of Americans want the new GOP majority in Congress to work together with the President. Republican voters have a very different view.

Republicans Expand House Majority

The GOP added to its majority in the House, giving it the biggest majority it has had since Truman was President.

Mitch McConnell Promising More Showdowns And Shutdowns If The GOP Wins The Senate

If Republicans win the Senate, what we’ve seen for the past three years could end up seeming tame by comparison.

Republican Congressmen Keep Talking About Impeachment

For a party that says its not interested in impeachment, the GOP sure keeps bringing it up.

Immigration Legislation: Veto Players in Action

The current immigration debate is yet another great example of how our system works (so to speak).

Institutional Design and Governance

A piece at Foreign Policy provides a chance to give some thought to institutions.

Could Republicans Taking Control Of The Senate Be Good For Obama?

Republican overreach could end up helping the President and his party.

The Tea Party Needs To Stop Whining About Losing In Mississippi

Chris McDaniel and his Tea Party supporters are being very sore losers.

On Many Issues, The Tea Party Is Out Of Step With The American Public

The people with the biggest voices in the GOP seem to be leading it to positions that most Americans disagree with.

Eric Cantor For RNC Chairman?

A new job for the Congressman recently filed by his own constituents?

Eric Cantor, House Republican Leader, Loses in Republican Primary

An unknown Tea Party candidate unexpectedly beat the House Leader in today’s GOP primary.

John Boehner Not Sure How Long He’ll Be Speaker

Boehner ready to pack it in?

Mitch McConnell On Track To Beat Back Tea Party Challenge

The Tea Party challenge to Mitch McConnell has not exactly gone as planned.

What Will The GOP Do If It Wins The Senate?

It might not be pretty.

Are Tea Party PACs Scamming Their Donors?

Purity for profit on display.

House Conservatives Plotting Against Boehner Again?

Once again, the Tea Party wing of the GOP is talking about taking out John Boehner.

The Tea Party’s Position On The Debt Ceiling Is Fiscally And Politically Irresponsible

Refusing to raise the debt ceiling does nothing at all to control spending.

Congress Set To Do Basically Nothing For Rest Of 2014

Don’t expect much out of Congress for the rest of 2014, or for the two years after that either.

Boehner To Bring Clean Debt Ceiling Bill To Vote In House

Big news out of the House of Representatives

President Obama Delivers Low-Key, Low-Ambition State Of The Union

The President’s sixth State Of The Union Address was fairly low-key.

Republicans Ready To Deal On Unemployment Benefits Extension?

There are some signs that there may be room to strike a deal on the extension of unemployment benefits, but it’s likely to require some drama on Capitol Hill before it happens.

Ted Cruz: Has No Regrets Over Shutdown, Continues To Say It Was All The Democrats Fault

Ted Cruz continues to act as if he hasn’t learned his lessons from the shutdown debacle

Republicans Take Slight Lead in Generic Congressional Ballot

So far at least, the 2014 elections do not appear likely to be a political earthquake on the scale of 2006, 2008, or 2010.

John Boehner Scores A Big Win Over The Tea Party

Last night, Speaker John Boehner showed that he can beat the Tea Party wing of the Caucus he heads. That has important consequences for the future.

One Year Later, Support For Gun Control Back To Pre-Newtown Levels

Gun control has faded as a political issue as the memory of Newtown has faded, and that was entirely predictable.

Paul Ryan And Patty Murray Reach Budget Deal, But Can It Pass Congress?

A budget deal has been reached, now it has to get through both Chambers of Congress.

Republicans Regain Lead In Generic Congressional Ballot, For Now At Least

The Generic Congressional Ballot has shifted again, but how long will this trend last?

GOP On ObamaCare: Goodbye Repeal/Defund/Delay, Hello ‘Let It Burn’?

The GOP seems to be shifting strategy on the Affordable Care Act.

Time To Start Thinking About Another Government Shutdown ‘Crisis’?

Are we headed for another Federal Government shutdown, or will Congress actually do its job this time?

Rand Paul: Government Shutdown I Was Totally Behind With My Floor Votes Was A “Dumb Idea”

The Junior Senator from Kentucky does some re-writing of history.

October Jobs Report Stronger Than Expected

A better than expected jobs report in October, but one that comes with a few caveats.

House GOP and District Level Margin of Victory (and its Relation to the Vote on the Budget Deal)

87.18% of the caucus is elected from safe to very safe districts and, therefore, the only real fear that they might have for their jobs would be at the primary stage.

Tea Party Senate Candidate In Mississippi Has Ties To Neo-Confederate/Secessionist Group

Several conservative groups have jumped on the bandwagon of what appears to be a controversial Mississippi politician.

Congressional Republicans Wake Up To Post-Shutdown Poll Headaches, Will It Matter In 2014?

Polling looks bleak for the GOP right now, but it’s unclear what that will mean a year from now.

What Lessons Will The GOP Learn From The Shutdown?

Will the GOP learn the right lessons from the just-concluded showdown? That remains to be seen.

Obama, Democrats To Push Immigration Reform Next?

Immigration reform may be the next big battle on Capitol Hill, but it’s going to be far different from the one that just concluded.

The Coming GOP Civil War

The shutdown debacle seems destined to lead to a battle between the Tea Party and the more business oriented elements of the GOP