Being A Useful Idiot Pays Well (Allegedly)

Where’s my $400,000 a month contract?

Rush Limbaugh is Still Dead

The reflections on the departed right-wing talk host continue.

Mueller Doesn’t Deliver

Everything you always wanted in a hearing. And less.

Strong Economy Could Bolster Trump Heading Into 2020

If the economy remains strong, then Democrats could find it harder to beat the President than they thought.

Top Contender To Replace John Kelly Takes His Name Out Of Contention

President Trump’s first choice to replace John Kelly as Chief of Staff turned the job down, leading one to wonder why anyone would want the job.

Newt Gingrich: Trump Is Right To Call The Press The “Enemy Of The People”

Newt Gingrich has endorsed President Trump’s use of the rhetoric of Josef Stalin to attack the American news media.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Most Americans See Trump As Divisive

A new poll shows, unsurprisingly, that the vast majority of Americans see Donald Trump as a divider rather than a uniter

Trump: Fear-mongering in Florida

The President gathered supporters around him, and blatantly lied to them, so as to increase support for his policies.

Polling Illiteracy

While not quite the great unskewing of argument past, here is an example of why non-experts need to avoid critiquing polling.

Roger Ailes May Be On The Way Out At Fox News Channel

As the allegations of sexual harassment grow, reports are also growing that Roger Ailes may be out at Fox News much sooner than many may have anticipated.

Conservative Groups Opposing Paul Ryan For Speaker Before He Even Announces

Paul Ryan has yet to say if he will run for Speaker of the House, but that hasn’t stopped the opposition on the hard right from forming already.

Is The Donald Trump Implosion About To Begin?

The fallout from Donald Trump’s debate performance, and his comments afterward, continues, and it’s leading some to wonder if we may finally be at the end of this ridiculous charade.

Paying Attention To Politics? You’re Probably Really Stressed Out

In a new survey, Americans cite politics and the news as the biggest sources of stress in their lives.

HaHa Clinton-Dix Tired of Monica Lewinski Jokes

Worst part about being named HaHa Clinton-Dix? ‘The whole President Clinton thing with Monica Lewinsky’

Monument Shutdowns Bring Protesters To National Mall

Conservatives gathered on the National Mall today to protest the closure of memorials, but their message seems really intended for Republicans in Congress to not back down.

NRA ‘Target Practice’ Game Not NRA’s (Or, Maybe it Is)

It turns out, the NRA behind the game is not the National Rifle Association.

Pot Calls The Kettle Hack

Alex Pareene’s annual hack list omits an obvious candidate: Alex Pareene.

Fiscal Cliff Compromise

A outline of a deal both sides could live with.

Conservative Media Bubble

If you’re a white Southerner who gets most of his information from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, you probably don’t know a lot of people who voted for Barack Obama.

Alabama Utility Crews Turned Away From Sandy Relief: Not Union [UPDATE: Not Exactly]

Utility crews from Alabama traveled to New Jersey to help get the power back on. They were turned away on account of not being unionized.

“Shocking” Obama Video Turns Out To Be Not So Shocking

A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.

Are The Polls Biased Against Mitt Romney?

Many on the right are heavily invested in the argument that current polling is intentionally biased against Mitt Romney. Their argument is not very plausible.

Shocking Audio From 1998 Reveals Barack Obama Is A Democrat

Republicans think they found the smoking gun of the 2012 election. They’re kidding themselves.

Petraeus For Veep?

Drudge Report says Team Obama thinks CIA Director David Petraeus will be Mitt Romney’s vice presidential pick.

Mary Cheney Gay Marries (And No One Cares)

Mary Cheney has married longtime partner Heather Poe.

Robert Mugabe Not UN Tourism Ambassador, A Position That Doesn’t Exist

An Internet meme that Robert Mugabe has been named UN Tourism Ambassador is untrue.

Conservative ‘Race War’ Meme

The people who gave us the “war on Christmas” are now touting an upsurge on black-on-white crime.

Bloomberg Scooped Washington Post on Post’s Santorum Drop-Out Story

The Washington Post prematurely posted that Rick Santorum was dropping out of the race on its news wire and Bloomberg made the story viral while the Post was verifying its accuracy.

The Six States That Will Likely Decide The 2012 Election

Six states are likely to decide the 2012 election.

Speaking Ill of the Dead

This morning’s unexpected death of Andrew Breitbart, the conservative muckraker, has sadly if unsurprisingly brought out a wave of nasty commentary.

Drudge Report Becomes Gingrich Report

The entire above-the-fold of Drudge Report is devoted to anti-Gingrich stories, which continue on scrolling.

Newt Gingrich Wins South Carolina, Republican Race In (Temporary) Chaos

Last night, South Carolina was Gingrich Country.

(Not) Breaking News: People Who Work For The Government Look At The Internet

Apparently, people who work for the government are surfing the World Wide Web.

A “Christmas Tree Tax”? No, Just Good Old Crony Capitalism

Apparently, the Federal Government believes it necessary to remind you that you can buy Christmas Trees.

Obama’s Teleprompter Has, Ridiculously, Become A Republican Campaign Issue

Barack Obama uses a teleprompter. This is not a big deal.

Is Twitter Killing Political News?

The rapid spread of information on Twitter is challenging POLITICO’s business model.

Tyler Cowen’s Productive Mind

A profile of George Mason economist and blogger Tyler Cowen offers this amusing description: “Cowen, 49, has round features, a hesitant posture, and an unconcerned haircut.”

Twitter As Breaking News Source

Sunday’s announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden was the latest example of how Twitter has become the go-to source for “Breaking News.”