Mary Cheney Gay Marries (And No One Cares)
Mary Cheney has married longtime partner Heather Poe.
So, this happened:
Daily Caller (“Mary Cheney marries longtime partner Heather Poe“)
Mary Cheney, the openly gay daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, has married her long-time partner Heather Poe, The Daily Caller has learned.
Cheney spokeswoman Kara Ahern confirmed to TheDC that the couple married Friday morning in Washington, D.C.
In a statement provided to TheDC, both the former vice president and his wife, Lynne, said they are “delighted” the couple could have their “relationship recognized.”
“Our daughter Mary and her long time partner, Heather Poe, were married today in Washington, DC,” the Cheneys said.
Poe and Mary Cheney have two children: Cheney gave birth to a son in 2007, and a daughter in 2009. They live together in Virginia.
Had this happened in, say, 2004 it would have been a huge, controversial issue. Now, it’s barely registering on memeorandum and the only ones commenting thus far are gay-oriented and liberal sites. Poliglot, Advocate, Mediaite, GayPatriot, ThinkProgress and FishbowlDC. Conservatives are either ignoring the story or somehow unaware–which means that Drudge, Rush, NRO, etc. aren’t touting it.
The only political controversy? Poliglot and TP LGBT note that, while the couple were married in DC, they reside in Virginia–which doesn’t recognize same-sex marriages. Oh, and FishbowlDC‘s Betsy Rothstein notes that Daily Caller’s scoop was likely a function of publisher Neil Patel being Dick Cheney’s former chief policy advisor.
No commentary on something else which would have been widely noted not so long ago: since they’ve been making babies since 2007, it’s about time that they made honest women of one another.
Did John Edwards send a gift? Or did he only care about her when he thought he could use her as a political cudgel against her father?
@Jenos Idanian #13:
Where are the attacks from conservatives? Politically, this is the most prominent gay marriage yet.
The daughter of a former, very powerful, conservative Vice President marries (no civil union) her girlfriend.
And those who oppose gay marriage are all silent…
And I wish Mary Cheney and her wife a long and happy marriage, and hopefully, soon, they will be able to have their marriage recognized in Virginia (and the rest of the US) too.
The commenters at the Daily Caller sure care. With a lot of white hot hatred.
Some very troubled folks out there.
Sadly, the comments section in the article you point to suggests otherwise.
This is how it starts. The children of righteous and holy men like Dick Cheney go around gay marriaging, and soon all our children will turn gay because same sex relationships are so incredibly tempting to us all. I mean come on, what man hasn’t given serious thought to gay marrying a hairy dude?
I wonder if any of those sanctimonious values-based conservative action groups will sue to invalidate this marriage?
As always, IOKIYAR. If it were one of Al Gore’s kids, right wing radio and blogs would be going nuts.
How sad. The liberals here are downright disappointed that there’s no hate-fest going on. God dammit, how the hell can they put on their misplaced sense of moral superiority of the other side won’t conform to their outdated stereotypes?
Sorry, but if you’re going to write the script for both sides of this discussion, then you’ll have to mouth the words yourself. Speaking for myself, I’m not interested in playing along.
However, I would be even more approving if the women in question were smokin’ hot. NO one can condemn hot lesbians. It’s like a law of nature or something.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
You couldn’t make it through a single comment without declaring your pride in being a misogynistic jackass, could you? You write about how “liberals” are disappointed in a lack of contempt for others, then bring it here all by your little lonesome. Is class something you consciously reject, or is this talent entirely natural?
Jenos… I don’t see that liberals here are disappointed, just wondering why the conservatives that want government out of their boardrooms and into your bedrooms are not busy hootin’ and hollerin’ about this obvious slap in the face to their values.
The people that fought for Mary Cheney’s right to marry Heather Poe certainly care.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
Are you saying that conservatives have been pretending to be opposed to and outraged by gay marriage?
I’m sure Mitt Romney will be extending his good wishes to the couple very soon.
@Ben Wolf: So… we can put you down as opposed to hot lesbians, then?
Your loss, dude.
@al-Ameda: Don’t feed the trolls!!!
You don’t have to look hard to find the right wing hate fest:
Congrats to them. Now I’ll go back to my day and leave them to theirs.
I don’t think that anyone is surprised that Jenos sounds like a 14 year old when discussing sex…
Incredible. People actually are acting appalled when I treat a trivial story trivially.
Actually, I sent a card to the Cheney wedding: “In lieu of a gift, several semi-automatic rifles have been given to Mexican drug cartels in your name.”
I thought about making a donation to Obama in their name, but that would have been just tacky.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
I sent a card to Mary Cheney in Nancy and Ronald Reagan’s name: “In lieu of gift, we sold weapons to Iran in order to secure the release of hostages and raise money for the Contra rebels.
@al-Ameda: Well, that was pointless of you. Iran doesn’t hold any hostages, and there aren’t any more active Contra rebels. You’re about 30 years out of date.
I bet you just pocketed the gift money, you selfish bastard.
But at least in Iran-Contra, the goal was to help overthrow a Marxist dictatorship. With Fast & Furious, what exactly was the goal?
@Jenos Idanian #13:
I forget what the goal of the Bush Administration was.
I know what Darrell Issa’s goal is though – a permanent “Clinton-like” investigation of the president. I expect Issa to initiate impeachment proceeding against Obama shortly after the re-inauguration in January 2013.
@al-Ameda: Here, let me educate you.
“Wide Receiver” was a “sting” plan to break up gun-running to the Mexican drug cartels. Measures were taken to keep the guns from actually getting into the Mexican cartels by planting GPS transmitters in the guns and cooperating with the Mexican government. However, those moves turned out to be insufficient, and the plug was pulled.
In Fast and Furious, the Obama administration stripped out the failed measures to control the guns, then did the exact same thing. The plan ended at the point where the guns crossed into Mexico. In brief, it was a plan to provide guns to the Mexican drug cartels.
And it worked as planned. The Cartels got a couple thousand guns, and have been busily killing people with them. Several hundred innocents and, at last count, two US federal agents.
“Mission Accomplished,” Mr. Holder. Take a bow.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
As we all know, the Mexican Drug Cartels would NEVER have come up with any guns other the ones we “provided.” Generally, guns are so hard to procure, as countries like Iraq, Somalia, and Yemen have demonstrated.
@Jenos Idanian #13: Has her father stopped endorsing laws against his own family?