One hundred years after the end of World War One, the forces that led to it are waking up from a long slumber.
The President is generating so much outrage on a daily basis that we’re missing important stories.
President Obama criticized Sony for backing down, and said that the U.S. would respond to North Korea’s cyber attack “at a place and time we choose,”
What the West does in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine is largely up to Europe, not the United States.
Iraq is falling apart for reasons that have nothing to do with President Obama or his policies.
Robert Kagan warns of “a changing world order.” But he’s grasping at rather thin straws.
Fareed Zakaria declares “America’s election process an international embarrassment.” He’s right.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game (more or less, anyway).
This charge is false, as 10 minutes’ work by the Washington Post would have shown.
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria looks to be caught in a bit of a plagiarism scandal.
The New York Times finds some infighting among old Republican foreign policy hands.
Alan Simpson is imparting wisdom to his fellow Republicans. I doubt they will listen.
We’re literally choosing locking up drug offenders over investing in our children.
Fareed Zakaria thinks we’re wasting too much time playing Angry Birds.
Christiane Amanpour, who’s losing audience share for ABC’s “This Week” Sunday show, may be on her way back to CNN.
Despite our rather obvious problems, we’re in great shape compared to the rest of the developed world and, especially, to even our fairly recent ancestors.
Is America’s political system to blame for our current problems?
My first piece for CNN has been posted at Fareed Zakaria’s Global Public Square.
According to Paul Krugman, what the American economy needs is for a bunch of space aliens to invade us.
The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.
European leaders have put another Band Aid on the Greek sovereign debt crisis while America’s leaders are trying to stave off a self-inflicted financial default.
The coverage of Egypt shows an over-reliance on pundits and an under-reliance on actual experts.
McCain brings up “regime change” in re: the DKRP and China apparently isn’t doing enough.
Ted Koppel thinks our actions since 9/11 have helped Osama bin Laden fulfill his goals. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Fareed Zakaria argues that the fact al Qaeda has not launched a major attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 proves we overreacted to those attacks. I beg to differ.