After 20-Year Delay, Works from 1923 Lose Copyright Protection
The damage done for Mickey Mouse in the name of Sony Bono is finally coming to an end.
The damage done for Mickey Mouse in the name of Sony Bono is finally coming to an end.
President Trump is now apparently on the warpath against the Federal Reserve Board Chairman he appointed only a year ago.
The current economic recovery is nearly ten years old. It isn’t going to last forever, though, and that could pose a problem for the GOP in 2020.
It would be a rather quixotic effort, but Jeff Flake isn’t ruling out challenging the President for the Republican nomination in 2020.
Tip O’Neill was famous for once having advised his fellow Democrats that “all politics is local.” That’s not true anymore, and that’s unfortunate.
The GOP is likely to lose control of the House of Representatives tomorrow, but could this actually help Trump?
President Trump claims that November will see a “red wave” rather than the “blue wave” that most analysts are expecting. There’s no evidence to support his hypothesis.
Donald Trump is now attacking his own appointee to head the Federal Reserve Board.
Donald Trump’s trade war continues to have negative consequences for American consumers and businesses.
A pioneer woman born in 1867 depicted American Indians and African-Americans in ways that are cringe-worthy today.
Three months after it started, the Trump Trade War is already starting to have a negative impact on American businesses and American consumers.
Thanks to Donald Trump, the happiest man in the world right now is Vladimir Putin.
The plan to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill appears to be running up against President Trump’s bizarre affinity for Andrew Jackson.
Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary won’t commit to putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill.
A Duke history professor uncovers “stealth plan” by “fifth columnists” who are seeking to overthrow democracy in the U.S. for their plutocrat masters.
So far, there’s no sign that Donald Trump is having much of an impact on the economy.
Technology continues to make more and more jobs unnecessary and irrelevant. And the consequences are going to be widespread.
While vigilance is called for, America will survive Donald Trump just as it has survived everything else we’ve faced since the nation’s founding.
President Obama thinks he would have beaten Donald Trump. And he’s probably right.
David Brooks thinks American politics “Could get ugly” before the ship gets righted.
A man who helped create a multi-billion dollar a year industry, and some mighty fine wine, has passed away.
Republicans haven’t really moved beyond the legacy of George W. Bush’s failed Administration as much as they’d like to think, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting them very much.
A much stronger than expected October Jobs Report suggests that the Federal Reserve is likely to move on interest rates, and raises questions about how economic issues will play out politically in 2016.
Keith Collins and Nikhil Sonnad provide strong evidence that the “sequel” to Harper Lee’s classic novel was merely a bad first draft.
The Greek Government is basically shutting the banking system down tomorrow as negotiations over its debt problems continue.
The Supreme Court has struck down a program that forced farmers to turn over a portion of their crop to the government without compensation.
Most Americans think that income inequality is a problem, but they don’t all agree on what to do about it.
Another commentary on the National Security Strategy, this one at The Hill.
Ben Carson is not a serious candidate for President, but he’s likely to get a lot of support from the GOP’s Tea Party wing.
A critic of the imperial presidency becomes an imperial president.
Not too long ago, Trick Or Treating didn’t mean getting candy produced by large corporations.
Staff Sergeant William Guarnere, made famous by the “Band of Brothers” miniseries, has died aged 90.
Speaker Boehner told his caucus members that he will not allow a default over the debt ceiling but don’t look for a change in strategy.
Chris Christie waded into the debate going on in the GOP over foreign policy. His comments were less than helpful to say the least.
Republicans have problems with the younger generation that they will need to fix if they’re going to succeed in the future.
The Federal Budget Deficit appears headed in the right direction, for now.
So far, three weeks of bad news hasn’t really had much of an impact on the public’s view of how President Obama is handling his job.
Because sometimes poorly contructed observations can set a fellow to writing.
The GOP’s public image continues to be bad and there seems to be little sign that they’re doing anything to change that.