An increasingly undemocratic regional power is a necessary but unreliable partner.
Our English-speaking brethren have much less tolerance for massacres than we do.
The anti-vax-and-other-stuff protest is spreading to Europe.
A protest against vaccine mandates is growing with a little help from our adversaries.
The project that has been on-again, off-again since 2008 seems to be off for good.
Our cultural divide over the pandemic is turning us into worse people.
The House Intelligence Committee has released its report resulting from its investigation of the Ukraine scandal.
French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the NATO alliance is suffering brain death due to President Trump’s neglect and lack of leadership.
Justin Trudeau lost his majority but will still hold on to power in Canada, the question is how long it will last.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, already facing a rough re-election battle is now dealing with a blackface controversy.
Canada is headed for a new election at the end of October as Justin Trudeau finds his government daling with a scandal.
Canada must have a Federal Election by late October, and the polls are showing that Prime Minister Trudeau could be in political trouble.
President Trump and the Republican Senate rewarded a top Republican donor with a prized diplomatic appointment.
The planes were apparently in the air, and the ships in position, for an American attack on Iran last night. Then the order to pull back came in.
How much sacrifice in our consumer culture is it worth to save the planet?
A law professor asks some interesting questions, but ultimately not the right ones.
The United States agreed to pay North Korea $2 million for “medical treatment” for Otto Warmbier. Did the Trump Administration actually pay the bill? They aren’t saying.
Notwithstanding President Trump’s tariffs, America’s trade deficit hit a record level last year.
There’s a political scandal brewing in Canada just as that nation starts looking ahead to elections later this year.
Once again, President Trump proves that in the face of evil he is a coward and a disgrace.
The Trump Administration continues to drive a wedge between the United States and Europe, can it ever be repaired?
Despite the President’s claims, the American steel industry isn’t doing well at all.
Donald Trump continues to appear to advocate ideas that harm American national interests and benefit Vladimir Putin. Draw your own conclusions as to why.
Claiming it was because of the weather President Trump chose to skip a visit to a cemetery at the site of one of the bloodiest battles involving Americans in World War One.
Just over a week before two states will be voting on referendums to legalize recreational marijuana, a new poll finds that two-thirds of Americans support legalization.
Marijuana is now legal in Canada, and many people are watching the country to see how it adjusts to this change.
President Trump got his revised version of NAFTA, but Canadians are less positive about the United States than they have been in at least twenty years.
Thanks to a last-minute agreement, the United States and Canada reached an agreement for a revised version of NAFTA. It’s a got a new name, but it’s basically NAFTA 2.0.
President Trump is once again threatening to lower the tariff hammer on one of America’s most reliable allies and biggest trading partners.
President Trump’s second speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations wasn’t much better than the first, but it it did get the world laughing at us.
Donald Trump’s trade war is helping China expand its diplomatic influence.
President Trump is alienating our allies and making friends with dictators, and the world is responding as you might expect they would.
President Trump reportedly vetoed a plan to issue a statement lauding Senator John McCain after he died on Saturday.
Not surprisingly, the President’s visit to the United Kingdom wasn’t exactly diplomatic, or even borderline polite.
Donald Trump continues to do something that Russian and Soviet leaders likely only thought possible in their wildest dreams, drive a wedge between the United States and its NATO allies.
Donald Trump’s trade war continues to have negative consequences for American consumers and businesses.
President Trump reportedly trashed the NATO alliance in conversations at the G-7 Summit, something that should make Russian President Vladimir Putin quite happy.
Once touted as an example of his deal-making prowess, Harley-Davidson sent a rebuke to President Trump by announcing it was moving some manufacturing to Europe to counteract the impact of his ongoing trade war.
Not surprisingly, Canadians aren’t too thrilled with Donald Trump these days.
Three months after it started, the Trump Trade War is already starting to have a negative impact on American businesses and American consumers.
President Trump once said that “trade wars are good and easy to win.” It’s only been three months since he started this war and we’re already finding out just how wrong he is about that.
Pending the mere formality of approval by the Governor-General, Canada will soon become the largest nation in the world where recreational use of marijuana is legal.
President Trump continues to dismiss concerns about Kim Jong Un’s brutality, and to lavish praise on a man who has a considerable amount of blood on his hands.
Trump spent much of Tuesday praising a dictator who has murdered and imprisoned millions of people. Then he returned to attacking the democratically elected leader of one of our closest allies.
Not surprisingly, Canadians aren’t very happy about President Trump’s attacks on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Hurricane Trump hit the G-7 this weekend, and the damage it left behind will take years to clean up.
As he headed to the G-7 Summit, President Trump threw our ostensible allies another curve.