Kay Hagan, Former North Carolina Senator, Dead At 66
Former North Caroline Senator Kay Hagan has died,
Former North Caroline Senator Kay Hagan has died,
Political reality shows us that the shootings in Charleston are not going to have any appreciable impact on the likelihood of any type of gun control law passing anywhere outside of the bluest of the blue states.
For months, Ted Cruz said the nomination of Loretta Lynch must be blocked. Then, he failed to show up when the Senate voted on her nomination.
The GOP is dominant in the Southern United States, but it’s unlikely to last as long as Democratic dominance of the region did.
2014 was not supposed to be a wave election, but it clearly qualifies as one.
Early numbers seem to suggest that it depends on which state you’re looking at.
Things are looking good for the GOP to take over the Senate, but there are still several right races that could tip the balance one way or the other.
As usual, politicians and pundits are helping to create a climate of fear and concern about Ebola that is not justified by the facts.
To a large degree, the Democratic Party’s supposed advantage among women voters appears to not exist this year.
Combining politics, an incessantly sensationalist news cycle, and a virus that scares a lot of people can’t end well.
Two weeks after it seemed to be tightening, there are signs the battle for control of the Senate may be moving in the GOP’s direction.
Third-party candidates in several states could end up having a big say in the battle for control of the Senate.
Republicans still have an advantage, but Democrats seem to be holding their own in the battle for Senate control.
Cowardice, or politically prudent?
Some on the left are saying that Hillary Clinton isn’t doing enough to help Democrats in 2014.
In what would be a classic bit of political irony, polling indicates that the House lawsuit against the President could make Democrats more likely to vote in November.
The GOP has a good chance of taking the Senate in 2014, but it will be by a narrow margin.
It seems unlikely that Eric Shinseki will have a job for much longer.
Some polls aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.
It’s a bit too early for Republicans to be celebrating that Senate majority that so many people are predicting.
The likelihood of any action on gun control in 2014 is extremely limited
John Boehner clearly wants to see an immigration bill passed this year, but he has a very narrow path to victory.
The prospects for gun control appear to be dimming.