Old Dudes In Rocking Chairs Switch Parties
In 2008, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ran this ad in North Carolina against Elizabeth Dole:
The ad played into Kay Hagan’s theme of the year that Dole was out-of-touch with North Carolina voters and was not an effective Senator.
Well, the old dudes and their rocking chairs are back, only this time they’re working for Republican Senator Richard Burr:
Both ads are pretty effective and whoever’s idea it was to get the same actors to effectively switch parties in the same state should be credited with some very creative campaigning.
I predict that in two years they’ll be hired by another party and express deep found regret for believing in the illusory democracy of the petite bourgeoisie, and announce their deep felt belief in the dictatorship of the proletariat. Shortly thereafter, North Carolina secedes from the Union, creating the first rump Marxist state.