A credulous report strings together some anedotes and dubious polling.
It turns out that the candy flavored booze at the grocery store isn’t even bourbon.
Next thing you know, they’ll tell us to eat vegetables.
Social distancing is helping but too many aren’t taking it seriously enough.
Last night New York City experienced what turned out to be a short-lived blackout mostly limited to Manhattan’s West Side, but it brought back memories of much bigger events.
Virginia has finally repealed a dumb and unconstitutional restriction on how bars could advertise Happy Hours.
The Supreme Court issued a significant ruling on Monday that could make it easier to buy and sell alcoholic beverages across state lines.
Strong public records laws, not an excess of weirdness, has driven a sad meme.
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in a case that could make it easier for consumers to buy and ship wine and other adult beverages across state lines.
Tomorrow the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in a case that could make it easier to order and ship wine from out-of-state retailers.
A Federal Judge is letting a North Dakota Voter ID law that clearly discriminates against Native Americans stand.
One of the longest-lasting characters on The Simpsons may not be long for this world, but before we write him off perhaps we ought to stop and think.
Nancy Reagan was a crucial part what made Ronald Reagan the man he was, and today she passed away at the age of 94.
Taxes on wine, beer, and spirits vary wildly from state-to-state and even within each state.
Just over a week after a death at the hands of police that remains incredibly suspicious, Baltimore is the sight of violent riots.
NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot dead while sitting in their patrol car In Brooklyn. And those suggesting that anyone other than the killer has “blood on their hands” are being absurd.
A not unexpected decision from the Grand Jury that investigated the Michael Brown shooting.
Big victories for advocates of marijuana legalization.
TNR makes the worst possible case for a proposition that’s almost certainly right.
A supposed conservative calls for massive increases in taxes on alcohol.
Kim Jong Un seems to share his father’s taste for alcohol.
New technology brings the day of round the clock tracking of citizens who’ve done nothing wrong ever closer.
The noted wine critic Robert Parker recently forayed into reviewing bourbon and came under intense fire from enthusiasts of American whiskey.
A wonderfully descriptive story in the New York Times Style section that’s almost surely mere anecdote being touted as trend.