
James Earl Jones, 1931-2024

The legendary star of stage and screen is gone at 93.

The Real Star Wars Films

Restored versions of the original movies are now available in 4K. They’re likely not legal.

Youngkin and the ‘Government as a Business’ Trope

Virginia’s governor is finding running a state harder than running a venture capitalist firm.

Are eBooks Books and eLibraries Libraries?

A pending lawsuit seeks to settle those questions.

abstract image with silhouettes of all different people abstract image with silhouettes of all different people

“White Trash” Continued

Because I actually think its important.

Republicans Take Over Virginia

Elections have consequences: Old Dominion Edition

The Great Unbundling

The days of one-stop media shopping are long gone.

Colts Quarterback Andrew Luck Retires At 29

Indianapolis Colts Quarterback Andrew Luck surprised the sports world last night by announcing an early retirement.

Peter Mayhew, Actor Behind Chewbacca’s Mask, Dies At 74

I sense a great disturbance in the Force. As if a billion voices are crying out “No, not Chewie!!!!”

Steve Mnuchin Becomes Trump’s Latest Target

With the economy appearing to sour, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is quickly becoming the President’s latest target of criticism.

Forty Years Ago Tonight: The Star Wars Holiday Special

Forty years ago tonight, the Star Wars universe came to television in a production so bad that it makes Jar Jar Binks seem positively Shakespearean by comparison.

Army Refutes AP ‘Army Discharging Immigrant Recruits’ Story

The situation isn’t as awful as portrayed by the AP—but it’s still pretty bad.

Trump’s Shameful Betrayal of Immigrant Soldiers

America promised immigrants who volunteered to serve in our military a fast track to citizenship. Now, we’re throwing them out.

Two-Time Oscar Winning Director Milos Forman Dead At 86

The Director of ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ and ‘Amadeus,’ both of which won the Academy Award for Best Picture, has died at the age of 86.

David Ogden Stiers Dead at 75

The actor best known for his run on M*A*S*H died Saturday after a battle with colon cancer.

Pence Leaves Colts Game Over Anthem Protest In Obviously Pre-Planned Stunt

Vice-President Pence left an Indianapolis Colts game early in what was obviously a cynical pre-planned publicity stunt.

Carrie Fisher Dies At 60

Rest in Peace, Princess. May the Force be with you.

Garry Marshall, Creator Of Classic Television Shows, Dies At 81

The creator of some of the most popular television programming of the 1970s has passed away at the age of 81.

A Spoiler Free Review Of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

You’ll be happy, Star Wars fans. And, don’t worry, no spoilers here.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Oh, The Humanity Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

OTB Caption Contest

Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Heir Transparent Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

OTB Caption Contest

Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

The Original ‘Star Wars’ Film

Opening crawl of 1977 version

Hollywood Has Worst Summer In 17 Years

The summer of 2014 was the worst Hollywood has seen since Bill Clinton was President. It’s pretty easy to figure out why.

Supreme Court Quietly Revises Opinions With Little Notice To The Public

The Supreme Court, subject to revision.

A New Gilded Age?

Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century is making quite a splash.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Feelin’ Like A Million Dollar Trooper Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Coffee Reduces Suicide Risk

People who drink more coffee are less likely to kill themselves.

New Star Wars Movie Coming in 2015

George Lucas has sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney, which has announced a new Star Wars movie for 2015.