Mark Halperin Attempts A Comeback After #MeToo Allegations
Mark Halperin, the former MSNBC political analyst who was accused of misconduct during the height of the #MeToo Movement, is trying to make a comeback with a new book.
Mark Halperin, the former MSNBC political analyst who was accused of misconduct during the height of the #MeToo Movement, is trying to make a comeback with a new book.
A year and a half into the #MeToo era, we’re still debating who gets to have a career.
The #MeToo movement brings down the head of a Fortune 500 company.
One of the biggest names in Hollywood stands accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women in yet another ground-breaking report by Ronan Farrow.
In what seems like an obvious response to the rise of the #MeToo movement and the cultural changes it has brought about, the Miss America pageant is making a major change.
Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been charged with rape and sexual assault in a New York Court.
President Trump spoke up about the spousal abuse charges against his former Staff Secretary Rob Porter. His response was entirely predictable.
A fitting honor for women who have brought to light an issue that was swept under the rug for far too long.
The longest-serving member of the House has retired amid allegations of sexual misconduct.
The latest domino to fall in the ongoing wave of sexual harassment and abuse revelations is Matt Lauer.
Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Gary Johnson doesn’t get much national press attention, and it doesn’t help when he flubs an answer like he did this morning.
Republicans seem to be thinking that Hillary Clinton will be an easier General Election candidate than the evidence suggests she is likely to be.
In the wake of yesterday’s shootings in Oregon, President Obama took the airwaves to offer the same empty rhetoric he has on this issue in the past, and to make the false claim that there are simple solutions to what is a very complex problem.
Mitt Romney is set to make an announcement at 11 Eastern today. [UPDATE: He’s out!]
The latest news on the marijuana legalization front has led David Brooks and others to go into a completely pathetic panic.
The news that Obama aides discussed a change to the 2012 ticket is part of the latest Halperin/Heilemann campaign history.
Mitt Romney’s foreign policy weaknesses are starting to become apparent.
After three days of buildup to a “mystery speaker,” the closing night of the Republican convention featured a rambling performance by Clint Eastwood and an empty chair.
In calling for the sequestration cuts to be delayed, Republicans are demonstrating their lack of seriousness on the issue of fiscal responsibility.
By failing to respond adequately, Mitt Romney is letting his opponent define him for the voters. That could hurt him greatly in November.
The President’s comment that the private sector is “doing fine” continues to be a topic of discussion.
Republican politicians have largely avoided the topic of same-sex marriage since President Obama’s announcement. Why?
C. Boyden Gray, former White House Counsel and EU Ambassador, has signed on as the chair of the Jon Huntsman policy team, Mark Halperin reports.
The race for the GOP nomination is taking shape.
With just over a week to go before the 112th Congress convenes, battle lines are already being drawn in battle over the defense budget.
General Stanley McChrystal is opening his mouth again and, this time, it could cost him his job.