Much like the President they obsequiously defend, Republicans have become useful idiots in Russia’s war on Western liberal democracy.
Late last week, Attorney General William Barr demonstrated quite aptly the extent to which he has become just another Trump loyalist.
Against the advice of his top military advisers, President Trump has cleared three American soldiers of war crimes, sending a horrible signal to the world and to the troops in the field.
Republicans face a choice. Do they put their country first, or do they put their President first?
John Bolton was not a good National Security Adviser, but the real problem with Trump Administration foreign policy comes from the man at the top.
A considerable number of Republican have effectively left our party over Donald Trump. Should we go all the way?
Donald Trump has betrayed the legacy and the sacrifices of the soldiers who fought their way onto the beaches of Normandy.
At some point, what we call conservatism turned into a racket. It’s not surprising that this led directly to Trump.
President Trump is reportedly planning to pardon several American servicemen convicted of war crimes, an action that would be an insult to everyone who has ever worn an American uniform.
Republicans face a choice in the coming days. Do they support the Constitution, or do they support Donald Trump? You can count on them making the wrong choice.
Thanks apparently to the fact that it remained unwilling to get in line behind the Trumpidians, the conservative owner of The Weekly Standard has shut the magazine down.
Claiming it was because of the weather President Trump chose to skip a visit to a cemetery at the site of one of the bloodiest battles involving Americans in World War One.
Max Boot proclaims “Trump is an illegitimate president whose election is tainted by fraud.”
Donald Trump may or may not be racist himself, but he has most certainly exploited and helped widen racial divisions ever since bursting on the political scene in 2015.
There are reasons to be skeptical about the dawning of a new age on the peninsula.
President Trump is talking about pulling American troops out of Syria, but his own White House is contradicting him.
Donald Trump’s dereliction of duty in response to clear evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election is a staggering and flagrant dereliction of the duties he agreed to take on when he took the Oath Of Office more than a year ago.
Republican leaders and politicians continue to distance themselves from their party’s presumptive nominee.
ISIS has captured Ramadi, and revealed yet again how fractured Iraq actually is. Fixing that isn’t something that American aid or arms can accomplish.
The Atlantic has a fascinating cover story by Graeme Wood titled “What ISIS Really Wants.”
The “paper of record” joins the call for some kind of deal with Edward Snowden.
How would the addition of Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the President’s foreign policy team affect policy toward Syria’s civil war?
President Obama may regret drawing a line in the sand over Syrian chemical weapons.
If the United States and Egypt were Facebook friends, their relationship status would be “It’s Complicated.”
Several key members of the Syrian government were killed in a suicide bomb attack today in Damascus.
Last night’s State Of The Union Address contained another unfortunate example of the prevalence of militaristic rhetoric in domestic politics.
President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.
Herman Cain’s foreign policy consists of little more than deliberate ignorance.
The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.
The cuts to Pentagon spending in the new debt deal are further revealing a split in the GOP over foreign policy and military spending.