Using Primary Threats to Instill Party Discipline?

Using money to control the GOP.

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The Blurry Line Between Legitimate PACs And Scams

Spoiler: the same people often work at both

Is Joe Biden Fit to Serve?

The Replace Biden bandwagon continues rolling. Evidence is mounting that he needs to get on it.

Stop Asking Us Just For Money

Fund-raising alone won’t save American democracy.

Trump’s Financial Troubles

What happens if a corrupt man who owes hundreds of millions is President?

Trump Guts RNC

A purge of the professional staff for, well, reasons.

Trump’s Mounting Legal Bills

He owes over half a billion so far. That creates significant conflicts of interest.

Kyrsten Sinema Mixes Pleasure and Business

Running for office or just running?

The Theory of the Case Against Trump

Legal analysts are skeptical.

Biden Running But Not Running

The re-election campaign is quietly forming but don’t expect an announcement any time soon.

HR1: Good, but Not Enough

And what GOP opposition says about the party.

The Lincoln Project Grift

Its founders are laughing all the way to the bank.

Trump ‘Election Defense Fund’ Grift

He’s raising the money for himself.

Doug Jones’ Personal Appeal

Alabama’s junior Senator needs my help.

Democrats Likely to Retake Senate

A hundred days out, a wave election is the best bet.

Money Could Decide Super Tuesday

Competing in fourteen states plus overseas territories in one day is expensive.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

Steve King Is Low On Money And Out Of Friends

Iowa Congressman Steve King finds himself low on campaign cash and with virtually no support from his party.

Donald Trump And The Triumph Of The Conservative Grifters

At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?

Steve King Facing Serious Republican Challenge In Iowa

Steve King, who has recently come under attack for a long history of racist remarks, is facing a strong challenge for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Elizabeth Warren Pledges [Something, Something] Wealthy Donors

The populist Democrat won’t be hosting fundraising dinners. Until the general election campaign, at least.

Bernie Sanders Is Running For President Again

Bernie is back and running for President, but he’s likely to face a tougher road this time around.

Democrats Will Split Early Debates Over Two Nights

Faced with a field that could be more crowded than the Republican field in 2016, Democrats have come up with a different solution to the rather obvious problem of debate scheduling.

Cory Booker Enters Democratic Presidential Field

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is the latest entrant into the race for the 2020 Democratic Nomination.

Ohio Special Election In National Spotlight

A Special Election tomorrow in suburban Columbus, Ohio could tell us a lot about where the midterm elections might be headed.

28-Year-Old Socialist Upsets Veteran Democratic Congressman

Joe Crowley, widely considered in line to replace Nancy Pelosi as party leader in the House, has been defeated.

The Bob Menendez Trial Is Set To Begin, And It Could Have Big Implications In Washington

As Congress heads back to work, a corruption trial in New Jersey could have big implications for what happens on Capitol Hill.

Chaos In Trump Land And The RNC As Donald Trump Continues To Fiddle While Rome Burns

Donald Trump continues to be Donald Trump. Which is quickly turning into a political disaster.

Bernie Sanders Finally Endorses Hillary Clinton

Well that took long enough.

Republican Mega-Donors Not Exactly Warming Up To Donald Trump

Some of the GOP’s top donors still aren’t sold on Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Wins Indiana, Becomes Presumptive Nominee, As Ted Cruz Drops Out

Donald Trump’s win last night made him the presumptive Republican nominee, whether Republicans will unify around him is another question.

Cruz-Kasich “Alliance” Already Falling Apart

To the surprise of no one, the alliance between Ted Cruz and John Kasich is already falling apart.

Clinton Crushes In Mississippi, Sanders In Michigan, Clinton Still Controls The Race

Hilary Clinton crushed Bernie Sanders in Mississippi, but was surprised by Bernie Sanders in Michigan. Nonetheless she still remains in control of the race.

Donald Trump Wins Michigan, Mississippi, Adds To Delegate Lead

Another big night for Donald Trump puts him another step closer to being the presumptive GOP nominee.

Despite Winning Two Caucuses, ‘Super Saturday’ Was Mostly Bad News For Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders won two of the three Democratic contests last night, but he fell further behind in the delegate count any way and isn’t very far from being mathematically eliminated.

Rand Paul Drops Out

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination.

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

Third Democratic Debate Establishes That The Democratic Nomination Fight Is Over

If you were looking for evidence that the race for the Democratic nomination is basically over, you need look no further than last night’s Democratic Debate.

Democrat John Bel Edwards Handily Defeats David Vitter In Louisiana Governor’s Race

Democrat John Bel Edwards scored an easy victory over Senator David Vitter last night in Louisiana, and Vitter announced that he’d be leaving the Senate after his term is up.

Marco Rubio Gains Support Of Top Republican Fundraiser

Marco Rubio has won the support of a top Republican donor and bundler, giving a much needed boost to his campaign.

Rand Paul’s Disappointing Fundraising Brings The Reality About His Campaign To The Forefront

Rand Paul’s fundraising in the just completed quarter is disappointing enough that it’s clearly time for him to consider calling it a day.

Don’t Expect The Republican Field To Shrink Very Much Before Iowa

For a variety of reasons, it’s unlikely that the Republican field will shrink significantly before the Iowa Caucuses.

Rick Perry’s Campaign May Be At The Beginning Of The End

Rick Perry’s campaign is already showing signs that it may not last long.

Republican Candidates Battle For Final Debate Slots

With just over a week to go, Republican candidates for President are fighting for the movement in the polls that could get them in to the August 6th debate.

Scott Walker Set To Enter Presidential Race On July 13th

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will be entering the race for President later this month, but it’s unclear if his recent turn to the hard right will help him or hurt him.

Supreme Court Upholds Campaign Finance Limitations In Judicial Elections

In a marked departure from recent cases, the Supreme Court rules that states can impose significant restriction on solicitation of campaign contributions in judicial elections.

American Politics Has Become Horrible, Predictable, And Utterly Boring

Even for political junkies, the thrill seems to be gone.