Once again, Rush Limbaugh panders to the most pernicious of the right side of American politics.
Once again, a poll shows that large numbers of Americans, and most Americans, reject Evolution via Natural Selection as the explanation for humanity’s origin. How do we explain that?
“Reality” TV star says something dumb about gay people, gets suspended, usual pointless outrage ensues.
Is Mike Huckabee about to re-enter politics in a big way?
Some on the American right have a very odd view of both Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid regime he fought against.
Marin Bashir’s ugly comments about Sarah Palin are being compared to Rush Limbaugh’s ugly comments about Sandra Fluke.
Accusations of blame are already being tossed around about why Republicans lost in Virginia, and they mirror a broader debate in the Republican Party nationally.
The nation’s second largest broadcaster is balking at the prices to keep Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on its air.
CNN is reviving the Crossfire shoutfest with Newt Gingrich, S.E. Cupp, Stephanie Cutter, and Van Jones as hosts.
I have for months taken it as a given that she went on five Sunday morning talk shows and lied about what happened there. Did she?
The wacko fringe of the GOP is increasingly finding room in the mainstream of the party.
One Virginia Republican Member of Congress recently got a lesson in what going against the GOP’s hyperpartisan atmosphere feels like.
Conservatives seem to be viewing the Fiscal Cliff through rose-colored glasses.
Judging by the record of the past decade and a half, movement conservatism has accomplished very little.
Neither member of the Republican ticket seems to understand what really happened on Election Day.
Mitt Romney wasn’t a perfect candidate, but he was much better than most of the 2012 Republican field.
Some people on the right apparently want to return to this map.
Many conservatives are living inside of a media bubble and they’ll continue to have problems until the consciously decide to break out of it.
An attempt to lay down some basic groundwork for discussing this story.
Republicans are trying to figure out what went wrong. Will they learn the right lessons from their loss?
Tthere’s enough bad punditry going around that there’s no need to invent cases to expose.
If you’re a white Southerner who gets most of his information from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, you probably don’t know a lot of people who voted for Barack Obama.
David Brooks tries to “describe what being a moderate means” in a way that most Americans would find puzzling.
Dean Chambers of UnSkewed fame, puts the polling debate into sharp perspective.
Let’s take a trip back in time to see what some conservatives thought 2012 would look like if Barack Obama were elected President.
Getting to the heart of the problem from my POV (plus historical numbers).
The arguments of the people claiming that every single poll showing Mitt Romney is unfairly biased do not stand up to scrutiny.
Just as we saw in 2008, the conservative base doesn’t want to hear their nominee saying that the President is a basically decent man.
Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.
In Rick Santorum’s brand of conservatism, no smart people need apply.
The 2012 campaign is revealing once again that many conservatives have a view of President Obama not shared by the public at large.
The President and his supporters say that Congressional Republicans will temper their rhetoric in a second Obama term. Don’t count on it.
As its convention begins, one has to wonder what has happened to the Republican Party.
The fallout from Todd Akin’s rape comments on Sunday has exposed a rift in the Republican Party.
We have met the enemy, and it’s most likely us.
Romney’s new ad on a ruling issued by HHS on welfare-to-work requirements doesn’t pass the smell test.
Once again, the usual suspects are exploiting tragedy for political purposes.