Supreme Court Declines To Hear Yet Another Second Amendment Challenge To A State Gun Control Law

Continuing a pattern that has gone on for eight years now, the Supreme Court has declined to hear another appeal regarding a Second Amendment challenge to state gun control laws.

Supreme Court Declines Appeal Of Case Upholding Maryland Ban On Assault Weapons

The Supreme Court has declined to hear yet another Second Amendment case.

Poll Shows Increased Support For Gun Control Measures In The Wake Of Las Vegas

New polling shows increased support for gun control measures in the wake of Las Vegas, but it’s not likely to last and it won’t lead to any significant action by Congress.

The Las Vegas Shooting Was Terrorizing, But It Wasn’t A Terrorist Act

Stephen Paddock’s crime was clearly terrorizing, and will impact the lives of survivors, families, first responders in many ways for a long time. Based on the currently available evidence, though, the Las Vegas shooting was not “terrorism.”

D.C. Appeals Court Declines Review Of Ruling Striking Down District’s Concealed Carry Law

A Federal Appeals Court has declined to review a panel decision striking down the District of Columbia’s restrictive concealed-carry law.

District Of Columbia Seeks Review Of Ruling Striking Down Concealed-Carry Law

Not surprisingly, the District of Columbia is seeking review of last month’s decision on its concealed-carry law by the full Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Trump Aides Nix Idea Of Going To Charlottesville

“Why the hell would we do that?” — White House official.

Appeals Court Strikes Down District Of Columbia Restrictions On Concealed Carry Of Guns

A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down the District of Columbia’s restrictive concealed-carry law.

Supreme Court Declines To Accept Yet Another Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has once again declined to hear an appeal in a Second Amendment case.

Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Ban On So-Called “Assault Weapons”

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld Maryland’s ban on certain so-called “assault weapons,” but it’s unclear if the Supreme Court will even take up the case.

Donald Trump Claims ‘Illegal Voting’ In Three States He Lost

Now Donald Trump is alleging that the 2016 Election was tainted by ‘illegal voting,’ even though he won!

Five Dead In Mall Shooting In Washington State, Gunman Still At Large

A late night attack at a shopping mall, and a suspect still at large have raised tensions in Seattle.

Senate Rejects Post-Orlando Gun Control Efforts

As expected, the Senate rejected four gun control measures introduced in the wake of the attack in Orlando.

SCOTUS Declines To Review Case Challenging New York, Connecticut Gun Control Laws

Continuing a pattern that began six years ago, the Supreme Court has again declined to hear an appeal in a case involving a challenge to state gun control laws.

50 Dead, 53 Injured In Attack On Orlando Nightclub

An overnight shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida has left 20 people dead and at least 42 injured.

Connecticut Judge Allows Sandy Hook Gun Lawsuit To Proceed, For Now

A Connecticut Judge has allowed a lawsuit against the manufacturer and seller of the weapons used in the Sandy Hook Shootings to go forward, but a Federal Law appears to make dismissal inevitable.

Clinton And Sanders Clash In Advance Of High Stakes New York Primary

Just days before a high stakes primary in New York, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed over familiar themes in their latest debate.

Obama’s Executive Action On Guns Is More Symbolism Than Substance

The gun control regulations to be announced later today by President Obama later today amount to far less than the hype would lead you to believe.

Court Declines To Hear Case Involving Chicago Suburb’s Assault Weapons Ban

The Supreme Court has declined to accept an appeal challenging a law barring certain types of so-called ‘assault weapons’ in a Chicago suburb.

San Bernardino Shooter Reportedly ‘Radicalized,’ Wife Pledged Support To ISIS, Before Attack

The probability that the shootings in San Bernardino were at least inspired by ISIS and/or other Jihadist terror networks is increasing.

Have There Really Been 355 ‘Mass Shootings’ This Year? Only If You’re Relying On Bad Data

No, there really haven’t been 355 ‘mass shootings’ since January 1st. Not unless you’re relying on completely unreliable data.

Democrats Failed To Capture Virginia’s Senate, In Part Because Of The Politics Of Gun Control

Virginia Democrats tried to capture control of the Virginia State Senate by, in part, emphasizing gun control issues. The fact that they failed is instructive.

Two New Polls Provide Another Dose Of Political Reality For Gun Control Advocates

Two new polls show that political efforts to enact more stringent gun control at the national level are not likely to succeed.

Gun Control Advocates May Not Like Political Reality, But They Can’t Ignore It

A new poll shows an up-tick in public support for some gun control measures, but gun control advocates can’t ignore the political reality that says those restrictions are unlikely to ever become law.

President Obama’s Empty Rhetoric On Guns

In the wake of yesterday’s shootings in Oregon, President Obama took the airwaves to offer the same empty rhetoric he has on this issue in the past, and to make the false claim that there are simple solutions to what is a very complex problem.

Gun Control Is No More Likely After Charleston Than It Was Before

Political reality shows us that the shootings in Charleston are not going to have any appreciable impact on the likelihood of any type of gun control law passing anywhere outside of the bluest of the blue states.

Yes, Dylann Roof Is A Terrorist

A word that has come in recent years to be used to refer chiefly to Muslim fanatics obviously applies to a man who murdered nine people because they’re black.

Sandy Hook Shooting Families File Legally Dubious Lawsuit Against AR-15 Manufacturer

The families of many of the Sandy Hook victims are seeking to have the manufacturer of the AR-15 held legally responsible for what happened. While understandable, their lawsuit is misplaced and largely without legal merit.

More Americans Support Gun Rights Than Gun Control, New Poll Finds

As the second anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School approaches, a new poll finds that more Americans support gun rights than gun control.

Gun Control Has Completely Faded As An Issue Voters Care About

After spiking in the wake of the Newtown tragedy, gun control has faded back into obscurity as an issue voters care about significantly.

Creigh Deeds One Year Later, And The Problems With Mental Health Care In The U.S.

Just over one year ago, Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds was attacked by his son, revealing problems with our mental health system that have yet to be adequately addressed.

Is Compromise Possible In The Gun Debate?

The tragedy in Santa Barbara will. inevitably, revive the same old gun debate. But can it ever evolve beyond shouting?

Whatever Happened To The Captain Going Down With The Ship?

Cowardice. There really isn’t any other word for it.

Federal Court Upholds Most Of New York State Gun Control Law

A Federal Judge in New York upholds, for the most part, that state’s new gun control law.

Joe Manchin: Further Gun Control Efforts Unlikely In 2014

The likelihood of any action on gun control in 2014 is extremely limited

One Year Later, Support For Gun Control Back To Pre-Newtown Levels

Gun control has faded as a political issue as the memory of Newtown has faded, and that was entirely predictable.

Starbucks CEO: No Guns In Our Stores, Please

Starbucks is kindly asking customers not to bring guns to their stores.

Pro-Gun Control Legislators Voted Out In Colorado Recall Elections

A gun rights victory at the ballot box in Colorado.

For The Eighth Time, Obama Pivots To The Economy

Time to “pivot to the economy” again.

Gun Control Has Faded From The Newscycle And The Political Conversation

Low voter priorities and the natural tendency of the media to move on to the next big story meant that gun control was not going to be a top political issue for long.

Gabby Giffords on the Gun Lobby

Gabby Giffords writes an emotional diatribe filled with non sequiturs that does nothing to advance the debate.

A Word About Jumping To Conclusions, Boston Edition

There’s a lot we still don’t know about what happened in Boston, so maybe it’s time to stop speculating.