Additional Thoughts on Vaccine Passports
It makes sense for large-scale venues, yes? But making sense is not the issue.
It makes sense for large-scale venues, yes? But making sense is not the issue.
Stan Lee’s former business manager has been arrested on charges that he used his influence over the late Marvel Comics founder to divert funds and alienate Lee from his family in his final months of life.
Jack Kirby’s heir are trying to posthumously renegotiate half-century old deals with Marvel.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has mastered the worlds of bodybuilding, show business, and politics. Next, he’s going to try his hand at being a Marvel superhero.
Marvel Comics is suing the estate of its second most famous figure in order to keep the rights to its most lucrative properties.
Marvel Comics is putting back issues of its comics online, hoping to lure young fans. Excelsior!
For universal icons, albeit fictional ones, to suddenly become partisan props is a bit sad.
Martin Nodell, the creator of Golden Age Green Lantern and the Pillsbury Doughboy, has died
I’m glad to see Lee get a piece of this pie given that none of it would exist without his creative vision.